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32 Cards in this Set

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What is the mnemonic for the the SEVEN major adult diagnostic categories in the DSM-IV-TR?
Depressed Patients Sound Anxious, So Claim Psychiatrists:
Depression/mood (MDD, bipolar, dysthymia)
Psychotic (schizophrenia, schizoaffective, delusional)
Substance abuse
Anxiety (panic, GAD, agoraphobia, OCD)
Somatoform (somatization and eating d/o)
Cognitive (dementia, MR, ADHD)
MDD mnemonic
SIGECAPS: 4 of these PLUS depressed mood or anhedonia for at least 2 wks.

Sleep increased or decreased
Interest deficit (anhedonia)
Guilt (worthlessness, hopelessness, regret)
Energy deficit
Concentration deficit
Appetite increased or decreased
Psychomotor retardation or agitation
Length of time needed to qualify for MDD, and # of sxs needed
at least 2 wks
need 4 of SIGECAPS plus either anhedonia or depressed mood

Mnemonic for dysthymia

ACHEWS: 2 years of depressed mood (1 in kids/adolescents) plus 2 of these sxs:

Appetite increased or decreased

Concentration decreased


Energy deficit


Sleep disorder

Length of time and # sxs needed to qualify for dysthymia
2 years, 2/6 sxs from ACHEWS plus depressed mood
Mnemonic for manic episode
DIGFAST: 1 week of elevated mood PLUS 3 of the below, OR irritable mood PLUS 4 of the below:

Flight of ideas
Activity increase
Sleep deficit
Length of time and # sxs needed to qualify for manic episode
1 week
If mood is elevated, need 3/7 of DIGFAST
If mood is irritable, need 4/7 of DIGFAST

Mnemonic for schizophrenia

Delusions Herald Schizophrenic's Bad News: 2 of these for 1 month with 6 total months prodromal or residual sxs:



Speech disorganization

Behavior disorganization

Negative sxs

Length of time and # sxs needed to qualify for schizophrenia
1 month of 2/5 sxs
5 prior months of prodromal/residual sxs
(6 months total)
Mnemonic for substance dependence
Tempted With Cognac
Tolerance - need more to achieve intox
Withdrawal syndrome has occurred
Control lost with alcohol use (ACT SORE)
What do we mean by loss of control in substance dependence?
Control lost with alcohol use: ACT SORE

Amount: Often ingested in larger than intended amounts
Cut down: Tried to cut down (unsuccessfully)
Time spent: great deal of time spent related to obtaining or recovering from EtOH
SOR: social/occupational/recreational activities decreased
EtOH use continues despite knowing it is causing sig probs

Mnemonic for panic attack

1 mo of 4/13 sxs pluspersistent concern of next attack or maladaptive behaviors:


Sweat, trembling, unsteadiness, depersonalization, elevated HR, nausea, tremor, SOB, FEAR of loss of control/going crazy/dying, chills, chest pain, choking

Patient clutching chest (heart cluster), hyperventilating (breathlessness cluster), shaking with fear (fear cluster) and shouting, "Three-five-five!"

Heart cluster:


Chest pain


Breathlessness cluster:

Shortness of breath

Choking sensation



Chills or hot flashes

Fear cluster:

Fear of dying

Fear of going crazy



Derealization or depersonalization (a way to psychologically escape panic)

# sxs needed for panic attack
4 out of 13
Heart cluster of panic attack
Chest pain
Breathlessness cluster of panic attack
Related to hyperventilation:
Choking sensation
Chills or hot flashes
Fear cluster of panic attack
Fear of dying
Fear of going crazy
Derealization or depersonalization
Criteria for agoraphobia
Fear of being in places where escape might be difficult
Efforts to avoid such places
Mnemonic for OCD
Washing and Straightening Make Clean Houses: Obsessions, compulsions, or both --> sig dysfxn.

Straightening (ordering rituals)
Mental rituals (magical words or numbers)
Mnemonic for PTSD
Remembers Atrocious Nuclear Attacks
Reexperiencing via intrusive memories, flashbacks, or nightmares
Avoidance (amnesia, avoid things a/w trauma, restricted affect and activities) AND Numbing (detachment, foreshortened future)
Arousal increase (insomnia, irritability, hypervigilance, startle response, concentration poor)
Number of sxs needed for PTSD dx
> 1 month
One of Reexperiencing
One of Avoidance or Numbing
Two of Arousal increase
Mnemonic for GAD
Has worried excessively about something for 6 months. Six anxiety sxs must be present:

Macbeth Frets Constantly Regarding Illicit Sins:
Muscle tension
Concentration probs
Restlessness, feeling on edge
Sleep probs
Length of time needed and number of sxs needed for GAD
6 months of worrying and need all 6 sxs - Macbeth Frets Constantly Regarding Illicit Sins (Muscle tension, fatigue, concentration probs, restlessness/feel on edge, irritability, sleep probs).
Recipe for somatization disorder
Recipe 4 pain: convert 2 stomachs to 1 sex (8/8 sxs, onset before age 30)

4 pain sxs
1 conversion sx
2 GI sxs
1 sex sx
Mnemonic for bulimia criteria
Bulimics OverConsume Pastries (ALL 4 of these)

Out of control feeling while eating
Concern with body shape

Mnemonic for anorexia criteria

3 months of ):

Intense fear of wt gain or becoming fat or persistent behavior that interferes with wt gain

Restriction of energy intake leading to low body wt

Body image distortion/lack of insight

Can binge/purge or restrict as long as BMI < 18.5

Mnemonic for dementia
Memory BREW: memory impairment PLUS 1/4 BREW

Memory impairment
Behavior disorganization (apraxia)
Recognition impairment (agnosia)
Executive fxn impairment
Word probs (aphasia)
Number of criteria needed for anorexia or bulimia
all 4
Number of criteria needed for Dementia
memory impairment plus 1/4 sxs of BREW
Mnemonic for delirium
Medical FRAT: (need all 5)

Medical cause
Fluctuating course
Recent onset
Attention impaired
Thinking (cognitive) disturbance
Number of criteria needed for delirium?
All 5 of Medical FRAT
Mnemonic for ADHD
Movement excess (hyperactivity)
Organization probs (difficulty finishing tasks)
Attention probs
Talking impulsively

Anorexia nervosa M:F
