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21 Cards in this Set

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Normal phenomenon in light-skinned newborns whereby the hands and feet are blue and the rest of the body is pink.
Condition in which the cerebral cortex or cranium does not develop.
APGAR Scoring
Method to assess newborn’s status; a score from 0 to 10 rates the newborn’s color, reflex irritability, muscle tone, respiratory effort, and heart rate.
Condition in which a child demonstrates periods of inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity for a period of 6 or more months.
Caput Succedaneum
Swelling over the occipitoparietal region of the skull that occurs during delivery of the newborn.
Localized subcutaneous swelling over one cranial bone that occurs during delivery of the newborn.
Craddle Cap
Seborrheic dermatitis manifesting as greasy-appearing scales on an infant’s scalp.
Abnormal shape of the skull due to premature ossification of one or more suture lines before brain growth is complete.
Condition in which a testicle has not descended into the scrotum.
Developmental Dislocation of the Hip
Dislocated hip found in infants that is related to familial factors, maternal hormones, firstborn children, and breech presentations.
Diaphragmatic hernia
Protrusion of intestines into the thoracic cavity.
Epsteins pearls
Small, hard white cysts found on a newborn’s hard palate and gum margins.
Condition in which the urethral meatus opens vertically on the glans.
Fine, downy hair present during gestational life that gradually disappears toward the end of fetal development; remains in smaller quantities over the temples, back, shoulders, and upper arms after birth.
Dark green, sticky stool-like material excreted from the rectum of the newborn within the first 24 hours after birth.
Plugged sebaceous glands manifesting as small white papules, appearing on the infant’s head, especially on the cheeks and nose.
Condition in which the newborn’s parietal bone overrides the frontal bone as a result of increased pressure during delivery.
Mongolian Spots
Irregularly sized deep-bluish areas of pigmentation on the upper back, shoulders, buttocks, and lumbosacral area of newborns of African, Latino, and Asian descent.
Physiologic Weight Loss
Tendency of a neonate to lose approximately 10% of birth weight within a few days after birth, regaining it by 2 weeks of age.
Telangiectatic Nevi
Marks appearing on the back of the neck, lower occiput, upper eyelids, and upper lip of the newborn that are flat, deep, irregular, and pink in light-skinned children and deep red in dark-skinned children; also known as stork bites.
Vernix Caseosa
Protective integumentary mechanism of the newborn that consists of sebum and shed epithelial cells.