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25 Cards in this Set

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Convection Current
Forms when warm air near Earth's surface rises, cools and sinks back down
Tropical Region
Convection area that forms between the equator and 30 degrees latitude; the climate in this region is warm
Temperate Region
Convection area that forms between 30 and 60 degrees latitude; the climate in this region is moderate
Polar region
Convection area that forms between 60 degrees latitude and the poles; the climate in this region is cold
Land Breeze
Convection currents that form at night near bodies of water causing a breeze to blow from the land towards the sea
Sea Breeze
Convection currents that form during the day near bodies of water causing a breeze to blow from the sea towards the land
Ocean Surface Currents
Circulate warm and cold ocean waters in convection patterns and influence the weather and climates of the landmasses nearby
Global Winds
Winds found in each convection region
Coriolis Effect
When Earth's rotation causes moving air and water to curve
Trade Winds
Type of global wind that blows from east to west in the tropical regions
Prevailing Westerly Winds
Type of global wind that blows from west to east in the temperate regions
Polar Easterly Winds
Type of global wind that blows from northeast to west in the polar region
Jet Streams
A fast-moving ribbon of air that moves from west to east in the Northern Hemisphere
The condition of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place
The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period
Gulf Stream Current
Warm surface current that influences the eastern Atlantic shoreline of the United States by bringing warm water and warm, moist air
California Current
Cold surface current that influences the western Pacific shoreline by bringing cold water and cold, moist air
Zero latitude; receives the most direct sunlight causing nearby regions to be warmer
The side of a mountain that winds hit first; has a lower mean temperature and higher mean precipitation
The side of a mountain that is sheltered from the wind; has a higher mean temperature and lower mean precipitation
High Elevation
This elevation has a lower mean temperature, but the elevation does not affect the area's mean precipitation
Low Elevation
This elevation has a higher mean temperature, but the elevation does not affect the area's mean precipitation
Coastal Area
An area near water that has a smaller temperature range and higher mean precipitation
Inland Area
An area away from water that has a larger temperature range and lower mean precipitation
Horizontal lines around the globe that start at 0° at the equator to 90° at the North or South pole; generally, as this number increases the temperature of the area decreases