hospital or clinic should have an emergency evacuation strategic plan just in case something was to occur. With the amount of patients at the clinic it would be a tough mission to accomplish. For this topic I will be elaborating on different options we can put into perspective if this was to happen at our clinic. As we know, no matter how hard staff members train or go over the clearing plan that is brought to our knowledge certain incidents can still go wrong or unexpected. When it comes to the schedule we should always accommodate the patient needs giving them enough time for their treatment or daily check-ups, so that way it’s not always congested or hectic, making it challenging to move around in the clinic. There should be sufficient chairs in the waiting room put in an angle or away from the door, so that way patients wouldn’t be throwing chairs because they are so eager to get out or people getting hurt by them. The moment the patient goes through the door to see the doctor, nothing should be in the middle of the walk way. Cabinets should always be locked, so that way nobody can get a hold of medications. Each office should have a panic button even in the front, where the medical assistance or front desk clerk are working. There must be enough exit doors to use if certain…
The Effect of Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina is a storm that made landfall on August 25, 2005.States affected were Mississippi and Louisiana. Hurricane Katrina is the sixth largest hurricane to strike the United States ever. The city that took the largest loss was New Orleans. The weather forecasters had warned these areas that Hurricane Katrina was coming and would make landfall. Mayor Nagan was aware and did not order a mandatory evacuation until it was too late. It is a known fact…
In the video “Meltdown At Three Mile Island” operators in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania contributed to a partial nuclear meltdown when they turned off the emergency water valve causing temperature to increase inside the plant. This error lead to a technological crisis that reached national concern where government officials and the president of the United States got involved. At first the residences highly relied on information that was provided by these officials. However, when the siren for an…
New Orleans State had limited emergency evacuations plans. The governor of the city did not expect the Katrina Hurricanes disaster would be reach to that level. The government has used different approaches to addressing the Hurricane challenges. The federal and state level government have adopted on the basic implementation of the rescue operations. Also, the recovery operation, have relay on visits the affected areas and makes an actual assessment of the damage that can be addressed in the…
organization through the phases of an emergency. University Medical Center New Orleans stands in the exact same area that sustained catastrophic damage from Hurricane Katrina almost twelve years ago. University Medical Center defines an emergency as any unplanned event that may cause deaths or significant injuries to patients, staff or the public; or potentially shut down the hospital or disrupt operations and could call for an evacuation of the facility. This organization has devised a…
overdue annual maintenance. IAW NFPA 10, fire extinguisher shall be subjected to maintenance at an interval not more than 1 year. (29 CFR 1910.157(e)(1) and NFPA 10) RAC 2 = High Recommendation: (1) The fitness manager and staff is responsible for ensuring monthly inspections are conducted and documented in writing. (2) Contact USAG Stuttgart Army Airfield for an appointment (421-4237 or 421-2775) to have the fire extinguisher exchanged (50% of the fire extinguisher can be exchanged…
A disaster can affect people in many different ways; the disaster can especially effect the socioeconomic statue of people within it. A disaster may affect the upper and low classes in different ways; because the upper class has the ability to get out of the situation more quickly than the lower class because they do not have as many opportunities as the upper class. The classes can experience the disaster differently, just because of their social statue; the lower classes are always those who…
harmed them. In August of 2005, Hurricane Katrina was introduced. I was at my parents’ house watching television with my family. It then began to rain for about four days straight. The rain was none stop and we had to stay inside the house for most of the time. The wind started to blow extremely hard and the rain began to fall even harder. The wind blew so hard, it almost seemed as if it would have blown me away. We watched the news and listened to the broadcaster say, “Hurricane Katrina is now…
underlying purpose. Prior to when Hurricane Katrina hit, Mayor Nagin called for a mandatory evacuation for the storm. Although it was mandatory, it did not mean that everyone would be able to leave New Orleans. What the city did not take into account was that a large majority of the civilians did not own a car. In the article “When Government Shrugs,” Reed states, “There was no attempt, as part of the evacuation plan, to provide transportation for the nearly 100,000 New Orleanians who did not…
care to all citizens and prevent further infection. This plan includes informing the citizens of the current situation and where to receive medical care based on their injuries. In order to have everyone safely evacuated we will provide medical transportation for patients the best we can. Effective communication is going to be the key to controlling this situation. As the Directors of Public Health, we are teaming up with the Red Cross and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to…