Emic and etic

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    In the ethnography “Doing Fieldwork among the Yanomamö” by Napoleon Chagnon, it is apparent that these anthropological tools are apparent in his case study of this primitive society. The tool of emic perspective is seen when Chagnon discusses the custom of aggression for the Yanomamö, a key behavior in their interpersonal politics and social interactions. The Yanomamö use aggression constructively, a behavior that we view as being somewhat taboo. Their cultural lens is shaped to encourage aggression, and without it, a person interacting with their culture is viewed as a distinct outsider. The etic perspective behind this aggression is to ensure that male members of their society have the self-confidence and strength to embody this aggressive…

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    Catholism states that, "The bending of the knee is an expression of penitence and sorrow for sins committed." Conclusion: In summarizing my ethnographic paper, I tried to incorporate both emic and epic approaches to research. The Foundation of Qualitative Research in Education states, “In taking an emic approach, a researcher tries to put aside prior theories and assumptions in order to let the participants and data “speak” to them and to allow themes, patterns, and concepts to emerge.”…

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    It is difficult to judge different societies because what might be the norm in emic perspective, can be seen as strange from an etic perspective. Ponijao was cleaned by his mother saliva and Bayarjargal had his face washed by his mother’s breast milk. These might seem as strange acts from a western perspective. On the other hand, they are considered normal in an emic perspective. The film rarely shows any clear interaction of the father in the Mongolian sitting also, but it shows prominent…

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    Observation Reflection

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    are a way to express this rebelliousness visibly as they are frequently not considered professional or “adult”, aside from the classic single piercing on each ear for females. An example of this rejection would be the unacceptability anything other than the classic lobe piercings on a female in a professional work setting. The piercing body ritual is widespread, present across many cultures over a large geographic range, but the social associations and piercing types are more specific. At…

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    Studying the human culture with looking into another culture from an up-close and clear perspective can make us understand a better meaning of their culture and their way of living. By looking at another culture without being objective or biased can be a burden for most people. With that said, we must use emic and etic perspectives to study their culture. Emic is a perspective from an insider’s view examining a culture from the inside of the culture itself. Etic perspective is studying the…

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    Emotional Granularity

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    Because current research methods of assessing emotional granularity are heavily dependent on semantics, a list would have to be created of emotion words across valence and arousal levels. Barrett and Bliss-Moreau (2009) report that core affective experiences are found across cultures, and arousal and valence circumplex structures have been reliably derived in many different cultures. Thus, the construct of emotional granularity is relevant (i.e., valid) across the globe. The next step is to…

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  • Improved Essays

    J., Buetow, S., Mills, J., & Francis, K. (2013). Using an emic and etic ethnographic technique in a grounded theory study of information use by practice nurses in New Zealand. Journal of Research in Nursing, 18(8), 720-731. What paper is about Hoare mentions her use of emic-etic (outsider-insider) ethnographic technique to increase the theoretical sensitivity. The author introduces herself as a novice grounded theorist as well as a part-time nurse practitioner. Therefore, she believes that she…

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    the humor that is acceptable to the audience has shifted from the joke of even using contraceptives, to the pain associated with permanent contraceptives. This is shown when the father is in a hospital gown laying on a hospital bed with a doctor preparing for the father’s vasectomy with a scalpel in hand. This results with the father passing out upon sight of the scalpel. This scene may have been considered obscene to an audience in the 1950’s, but in more modern culture it is seen as…

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    Case Study: Refugee Tribe

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    with all the tourists that may affect our study on the tribe. We also have to choices when it comes to residency within the country we have the option of staying at a hotel, which is more expensive but safer because were away from the wild or we can camp with the tribe which is cheaper, but we may encounter some wildlife from time to time. I recommend that we camp because staying the expense of the hotel will eventually add up especially if we plan to stay for over 90 days. Camping will also…

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    Emic Concepts

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    One of the earliest and most prominent attempts to deal with qualitative and quantitative approaches is exhibited in the distinction between the emic and etic concepts. Culture is a shared and symbolic system of values and beliefs that contribute in influencing people’s behavior and perception of the world. Cultural dimensions are constructed to explain and compare norms for a specific type of behavior in cultures. Social norms are expected behaviors and attitudes in smaller social group.…

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