When it comes to the schedule we should always accommodate the patient needs giving them enough time for their treatment or daily check-ups, so that way it’s not always congested or hectic, making it challenging to move around in the clinic. There should be sufficient chairs in the waiting room put in an angle or away from the door, so that way patients wouldn’t be throwing chairs because they are so eager to get out or people getting hurt by them. The moment the patient goes through the door to see the doctor, nothing should be in the middle of the walk way. Cabinets should always be locked, so that way nobody can get a hold of medications. Each office should have a panic button even in the front, where the medical assistance or front desk clerk are working.
There must be enough exit doors to use if certain situation get out of hand and an escape plan is needed. Cameras need to be installed inside and outside catching every angle and if possible they should be backed up every 30 min just in case they take the DVD. Once a staff member realized that the patient was tense, immediately they should have jot down their name, sent the doctor a message stating the issue. There is a website where doctors can check to see if a patient over use prescription drug excessively. If the patient name popped up the doctor could have easily told security guards to quietly make the patient exit the building. Understand, that at times it gets busy, and we all overlook certain problems that’s why it’s important to have multiple plans and to be ready for anything. In your office even if it was dark you should know where everything goes, the setup should give you a better advantage if anything was to get out of control. While sitting at the desk your back should not be facing a window or behind a door. Having several mace in your office wouldn’t hurt, just use it wisely. Now in that very moment pressing the panic button if possible, giving the patient what he or she wants would be the best thing to do. Nonetheless, if the situation got messy after giving him or her what they wanted and the patient still attacks you then defend yourself, but don’t attempt to kill the patient no …show more content…
It’s amazing how quick it is to retrieve a knife, and with the patient being tense him or she wouldn’t even see you coming. Every staff member should go through an evacuation scenario whether it’s pertaining to a bomb threat, gunman, knife, or even a hurricane. Some plans may have to deal with patients that are ill or not being locked in, only if they are near the situation because an evacuation process may cause people to get hurt. For the patients away from the target can effortlessly exit safe and