Multiple emergency exits should be available that are well marked and easily accessible. These exits should lead people away from hazard.
Inappropriate door and the Height of dead bolt lock Limited access/ egress in case of emergency Install a push/ horizontal panic bar, emergency doors should open in the direction of escape and emergency doors should not be locked that they cannot be easily and immediately opened
No thinking must be required to open the door in case of an emergency
Dust Dust-related diseases such as cancer, asthma and skin irritation, non-respiratory illnesses
Fire and explosion
Sawdust can ignite and burn far more easily than whole pieces of lumber. Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) is effective at controlling dust at the source when …show more content…
Ensure workers wear RPE and other personal protection equipment (PPE) suitable for the task.
Emergency alarms to promote rapid evacuation and firefighting response
Fire extinguishers fully charged with fire retardants appropriate to the types of fires likely to occur in that area.
Practice good housekeeping methods, you would reduce the likelihood of dust particles being able to and inspect and clean your exhaust ventilation system on a regular basis to maintain maximum efficiency.
No Ventilation Fatigue, hypersensitivity and allergies, sinus, congestion, dizziness, nausea and shortness of breath. Engineering control- Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) or extraction fan to reduce exposure to dust, mist, fume, vapour or gas that will draw dust, fume, gases or vapour away from the worker
Poor lighting Misjudgment of an object can lead to accidents and injury.
Poor lighting affects the quality of work and productivity.
Health hazard - eye discomfort (burning, etc.) and headaches add more light fixtures in appropriate