Nuclear energy has always been known for the dangers associated with it. Radiation, first discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie, are penetrating rays and particles emitted by a radioactive substance. These penetrating rays can damage human cells, making them dangerous to human’s health. After one of the strongest earthquakes in recorded history, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, hit Japan on March 11th, 2011. It was followed by a tsunami with waves reaching over 40.5 meters. The tsunami caused three major meltdowns in the Fukushima Daiichi Power plant’s nuclear reactors, resulting in radiation to leaking out and threatening to harm nearby civilians. The meltdowns brought attention to the dangers of nuclear energy once again, causing Japan and countries…
Nuclear energy is a very controversial topic because of the Chernobyl Nuclear Meltdown, the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown, and the pollution effects. Both Greenpeace and the World Nuclear Association (WNA) have different views on these topics. The WNA believes that Chernobyl was a human based issue, but Greenpeace thinks that it is all the fault of using nuclear energy. The WNA thinks that the Fukushima disaster was not very preventable and a little bit of human error but mostly it was a freak…
The Kyshtym disaster is easily one of the largest nuclear meltdowns but due to the Soviet Union government hiding the files it was not talked about as much as other nuclear meltdowns. The Kyshtym disaster occurred on September 29,1957 but it goes back all the way to the 1946 when the nuclear reactors and plutonium processing plant were established. They were built as a way for the Soviet program to develop nuclear weapons. The first weapon was built in 1949 and after that they were in a rush to…
Hello name’s Cameron, Cameron sydnor and I used to work at a nuclear facility . The chernobyl nuclear disaster was a terrible event, yet very few people actually know the backstory of the plant. Despite the story being fairly interesting. For example did you before the meltdown the leader of the facility once said “the chance of a full scale meltdown is one in a million” clearly this man cannot see the future or else he would have said (scream this) “OH NO THE PLANT IS GOING DOWN WE ARE ALL…
biggest nuclear disasters in history. When thinking about nuclear safety, the issue of a potential meltdown will always follow nuclear energy. A nuclear meltdown occurs when the nuclear reactor is unable to be cooled down and hot melted radioactive fuel can spill and be released outside the plant. The main opposition against nuclear energy lies in the danger of a meltdown. Admittedly, these disasters have caused devastating damage. In an article about the Chernobyl disaster, Encyclopedia…
After the Three Mile Island incident the NRC cracked down rigorously on safety protocol. They emphasized training employees to handle the equipment delicately and strategized worst case scenarios that could result from another nuclear meltdown. Even though they tightened their leach on nuclear construction there was still controversy over whether or not production was even worth the risk. Nuclear energy took a step back from their accelerated production to address each issue one at a time. In…
The Chernobyl Incident of 1986 April 26, 1986 is the date of the biggest nuclear meltdown in history. While the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, a.k.a. the USSR, was in control of Ukraine, it built multiple nuclear power plants. However, these nuclear power plants were not as safe as the ones built in the west-ern countries due to the lack of a safety culture in the USSR. Soviet Russia had boasted how its nuclear power plants were the safest ones in the world in previous press conferences…
One of Man’s strongest instincts is that to protect and provide for himself. In doing so however, he has created nuclear weapons and energy. From experiments with radium in the late 1800s, to the creation of weapons of mass destruction during World War Two and finally the more recent disasters from nuclear power plant meltdowns. Man has started out with good intentions, but in so doing, he may have doomed himself. In 1896, radioactivity was discovered by Henri Becquerel ( Upon…
In the video “Meltdown At Three Mile Island” operators in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania contributed to a partial nuclear meltdown when they turned off the emergency water valve causing temperature to increase inside the plant. This error lead to a technological crisis that reached national concern where government officials and the president of the United States got involved. At first the residences highly relied on information that was provided by these officials. However, when the siren for an…
Effects of Chernobyl Though there are many different sources of energy in the world, including petroleum and coal, one of the most dangerous is nuclear energy, which harnesses the power of the atom. Though nuclear power does not emit as many harmful chemicals as coal does, it has the potential to make large areas of land inhospitable for hundreds of years, depending on the time of element used in the core. There are several different ways of harnessing nuclear energy, and different countries…