Since we were going to the city of Pisa, it was a no brainer that we had to go see the Leaning Tower of Pisa. When we arrived to the Piazza dei Miracoli, which is where the tower is located, I was overwhelmed with the amount of tourist trying to capture the impeccable image of themselves trying to make it look they were holding the leaning tower in place. It was impossible for me to snap this picture with no one in the background because there were far too many people trying to do the exact same thing as me. When we went to city of Napoli, my cousin was persistent on us going to this hole in the wall pizza restaurant called, L 'Antica Pizzeria da Michele. When we arrived to the restaurant we were appalled at how many people were waiting outside for a table, making us hesitant to go inside and find out how long the wait was for a 13-person group. Eventually someone squandered up the courage and we found out the wait was three hours…
videotape was a two day writing lesson I taught the second grade students. The focus of this writing lesson was for students to be able identify the overall problem in a reading and find strong evidence that shows how the problem was solved. Then once that strong evidence was found, the students needed to write a written paragraph that answered how the problem was solved. I began teaching this lesson on Tuesday, March 22nd, and began videotaping the last portion of the lesson on March 23rd.…
traveled to four different states within the U.S. When I was a child, my family moved around a lot, but most of the cities I grew up in were predominately Caucasian. While attending grade school and college, I was exposed to many different races, but I feel the people I 've met were Americanized so I don 't know much about other cultures. I chose to take the Asian American IAT because I wanted to know if I subconsciously preferred American faces to Asian American faces. I haven 't…
factors, distance or height, and the acceleration. Because the object was dropped to the ground, the acceleration should be the gravity acceleration, which is 9.8m/s². All free-falling objects were accelerating downwards at a rate of 9.8 m/s², whatever the mass and surface area was. About 600 years ago, a famous Italian scientist named Galileo Galilei had done thousands of experiment to prove that: “An falling object accelerates uniformly: it picks up equal amounts of speed in equal time…
Later this Colosseum was used for housing workshops and religious orders. Vespasian was the emperor of Rome at the time of its construction and Titus completed its construction. In the start of the mediaeval era, this Colosseum was used for entertainment purpose. At present, the Colosseum is the top tourist attraction in Rome and thousands of tourists are flocking to this place. The entrance to this building is free for European Union citizens. 11. Topic: Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy…
For example Leaning Tower of Pisa, Eiffel Tower, and Gardens by the Bay. Leaning Tower of Pisa it very commonsense what it is. It is the tower that stand leaning at an angle of 5.5 degrees from the ground at Pisa, Italy. It leaned because one side of the ground was too soft. It was start in the 12th century then it was finish in the 14th century.The tower has 296 or 294 steps; the seventh floor has two fewer steps on the north-facing staircase. But hurry! visit before this beautiful architecture…
Italy is the home of modern architecture being home to Filippo Brunelleschi, an Italian designer and important figure in architecture. You will see many tall stone buildings and domes. Some landmarks you can visit in Italy are The Colosseum, the iconic ancient roman gladiatorial museum, the Pantheon, a landmark Roman Church with historic tombs, Florence Cathedral, Mount Vesuvius, Amalfi coast, the Roman Forum, St, Peter's Basilica, the largest basilica of Christianity, Saint Mark’s Basilica,…
February 15, 1564, in Pisa, Duchy of Florence, Italy. Galileo’s mother was Giulia Ammannati. His father Vincenzo Galilei was an Italian lutenist, merchant, and composer. Galileo had five siblings: Virgina Galilei, Michelagnolo Galilei, Livia Galilei, Unknwon Galilei, and Benedetto Galilei. Galileo was talented in a wide variety of things so he was considered a renaissance man. He loved math and physics. He loved to invent things and draw. He would play the lute with his father.…
More simply put, works of art have a meaning. Danto believes this theory solves the “Problem of Indiscernible Counterparts.” Warhol’s boxes have a meaning to them that ordinary boxes do not have. The same can be applied to the Leaning Tower of Pisa lookalike and the copy of Macbeth typed by monkeys. They are merely a pile of rocks and a sequence of random letters. Danto goes on to state that a definition of art must include more than simply the requirement of being representational, because not…
Galileo Galilei was born February 15, 1564 in Pisa, Italy. He was a Tuscan (Italian) astronomer, physicist, mathematician, inventor, and philosopher and his father was a musician. His father had planned for him to study medicine, but he went to study mathematics. Galileo had many accomplishments / developments that change our world even till today. Galileo had many accomplishments that made him different from other people during the 15th century. He acquired his knowledge since his dad sent…