A. Incorporating technology in a Mathematics class is very important. I would like to introduce my students to Khanacademy.com website, creating their individual logins on that website so that they can practice every concept at home as well and I can help them by looking at their dashboards if they are finding any concept difficult. This will help me in keeping a track of every student’s performance. However, to make my class more interesting I will incorporate interactive Smart Board and animated videos in everyday lessons. Q.10a. As part of your answer to this question you MUST include a link to a YouTube video that you would show the students in your classroom. I have included two videos on the lesson of Greatest Common Factor and Least Common…
The emphasis is given to the Least Squares Method repeatedly used in forecasting. The magic is in testing for a relationship between scale variables plus not knowing the strength of the association, but rather the ability to predict (Mirabella, 2011). Predicted Y = a +bX. The data viewing of the BS GPA vs. MBA GPA one sees MBA GPA = -0.057+0.987. One can make an educated statement, if a BS student has a 3.50 GPA, then the MBA GPA is predicted to be 3.397 with a marginal error of 0.233.…
To do this, a literature review was conducted to identify the attributes which are relevant to the context of the elicitation process and influence techniques selection. Then, these candidate attributes were analyzed using a multiple regression model to find the most important attributes influencing techniques selection and eliminate the less critical ones. Finally, a neural network based model for selection of elicitation techniques was developed. In order to empirically validate our ANN model…
Keywords: Equity, Standardized Assessment, Evaluation Paper Description: This quantitative study uses a least-squares regression model to determine the predictive power of socio-economic factors on district-level student achievement on new, Common Core-aligned standardized assessments. We posit that educators may use our methodology and model to control for socio-economic factors, and more equitably compare school district performance. Purpose We used a least-squares regression model to…
300,000 persons with Multiple Sclerosis in North America. I first heard about MS my first year of college. I read a book named living with MS. It described In great detail how her life was affected by MS and her determination to not let MS define her, So what is MS? MS, is also known as multiple sclerosis. It is the degeneration of the myelin sheet; it’s a disabling disease of the central nervous system that interrupts the passage way of information inside the brain, and between the brain and…
Multiple Sclerosis is a disease where the immune system eats away at the protective, myelin or layer covering nerves. This disease is also known as MS, which is Multiple Sclerosis abbreviated. MS has a very big effect on a person and their family, knowing this because my aunt was diagnosed with MS before she passed away. Currently there is not a known cause from Multiple Sclerosis, but science have theories. Some believe that it is a result of combination of genetics, and some believe it is…
Joel Urdiera Biology 2011L Lab Assignment Many people are diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a unpredictable, sometimes disabling disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that blocks the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and the body. Multiple sclerosis is thought to affect more that 2 million people worldwide. For that many people to be affect to this disease you would think that it might be contagious but it is not and it is not directly…
disease is a disease that is long-lasting and can be treated but not cured (Chronic Disease, n.d.). This means that, although the symptoms of the disease may be managed, it will never go away completely. Multiple sclerosis is one of these treatable but incurable diseases. Even with treatment, a person diagnosed with multiple sclerosis will always experience some degree of disability. What is multiple sclerosis? How does it present itself? How can it be treated? These questions will be answered. …
The most widespread disabling neurological condition of young adults around the world is Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Sclerosis is a Greek word meaning hardening of tissue or scars. Another name for MS is Demyelinating Disease, 85% of people diagnosed with MS have Relapsing-Remitting MS (RRMS). Around 10% have Primary-Progressive MS (PPMS), there is also Secondary-Progressive MS (SPMS), and Progressive-Relapsing MS (PRMS). The least common type is PRMS. In MS your immune system mistakenly attacks…
Multiple Sclerosis is a rare disease. It affects the brain and central nervous system at different locations where the severity of the disease in patients happens over few weeks and months. Worldwide 2.3 million people are being affected by multiple sclerosis1. MS, an auto immune disease2 , occurs by combination of factor’s come together contributing to its occurrence majorly genetic and environmental factors1. These include the virulent micro-organisms such as “ Epstein Barr virus” being the…