drives people searching for a better living and future. In fact, it witnesses a massive number of immigrants from all around the world every year. Lebanon being a country always in external and internal conflict, it is unable to grant its citizens the level of life they have always wished for, pushing them far away from their homeland to other advanced nations such as the United States and Australia, seeking superior living conditions: “These parents fled to Australia because they chose peace, not war, because they did not want to raise their children in a climate of fear and oppression.”, explains Joseph Wakim in…
Lebanon is a Middle Eastern country about a third of the size of Maryland. To the west is the Mediterranean Sea. Lebanon shares land borders with Israel to the south for 81 km and the rest stretching for 403 km with Syria. The Bekaa Valley separates Lebanon and the Anti-Lebanon Mountains that forms most of the border between Lebanon and Syria (Central Intelligence Agency, 2016). Lebanon is a diverse country with competing interests and ideologies. Christians make up 40.5% of the population…
Lebanon Lebanon: Climate and Relevant Information Introduction: Lebanon was called Phoenicians by the Greek and known for its rich history and cultural impact with the occupation of Roman, France, Ottoman Empire, and Greek. Lebanon has different cultures and religions which make it unique comparing to some other countries in the Middle East. Lebanon was mentioned in the Bible and it means the white or "the white mountains" referred to the snow on the mountains. The first part of the report…
Lebanon is a country in the middle east, bordering Syria and Palestine and the mediterranean sea. A fun fact about Lebanon is that they are a very tiny country, they have about 4,036 square miles (10453.19 Square kilometers). Their style of government is a unitary multiparty republic with a parliamentary system of government. The world economic forum's ranked Lebanon in the top 5 countries in the world in math and science and in the top 10 in the educational system. Lebanon is a unitary…
The foundation of the French Mandate for Syria and Lebanon played an integral role in shaping Lebanese politics and society, and in turn establishing factors that would make it prone to intervention. The French sought to make Lebanon as large as possible while still retaining a Maronite majority; a move that pleased the Maronites and brought out animosity among the Druzes and Sunni Muslims. Nationalists revolted against the French in the streets and through representatives in the government.…
Hezbollah is a radical Shai Muslim group that is fighting against Israel and western imperialism in Lebanon. They were formed in the 1980’s and their current leader is Hassan Nasrallah. Their main goal was to push the Israeli troops out of Lebanon as well as establishing an Islamic state. Hezbollah has received support from Iran and Hamas. Iran has provided military training for Hezbollah’s troops. Hamas has common goals with Hezbollah such as the destruction of the state of Israel. Hezbollah…
Entering into Lebanon Correctional last Wednesday, I had expectations and prejudgments of the inmates that I prepared for myself mentally. With Lebanon Correctional being a third level prison, the exterior of the facility has barbed fencing and security, housing various criminals who have committed felonies. Before meeting the inmates, I expected them to be of the stereotypical dramatization that is portrayed in the media: intimidating, cold, threatening, possibly even sociopathic. With the list…
at military targets in Israel and either that its attacks on civilians were admissible as a response to Israel’s fire into southern Lebanon. (HRW2007) Hezbollah used its rockets attacks as a tool to bring Israel into a ground war, indeed, its militias fired thousands of rockets into Israel, causing civilian casualties and damage to civilian infrastructures. Hezbollah’s attacks relied on basic unguided ballistic weapons that had no capability to hit military objectives with any accuracy. It…
There are various factors relating to the Syrian refugee crisis that have strained Lebanon’s infrastructure and exacerbated the issues that the country faces. Lebanon’s institutions are no longer capable of handling the large amount of refugees with its current resources. There are currently over one million registered Syrian refugees in Lebanon within its 4.4 million Lebanese population (UNHCR). This means that nearly 1 out of every 5 people in Lebanon is a Syrian refugee. The infrastructure…
who was one of the first Europeans to go to Lebanon and was the first to refer to them by name and was first to have a record of them but he also referred to them as “mountain dwelling, Monotheistic” people who believe in “Soul Eternity” The Druze Religion/faith was founded in small communities in Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Jordan, and is rooted in Ismailism, another branch of Shia Islam. The name of the religion/faith came from the name Muhammad Bin Ismail Nashtakin ad-Darazī who was one of…