The body and mind undertake many activities. However, these activities are mostly controlled by the central nervous system (CNS). The brain and the spinal cord are the main components of the central nervous system. The brain is divided into three portions: the hindbrain which houses units of the brain that controls heart and sleeping patterns, the midbrain which links the forebrain to the hindbrain and also controls the heart rate and sweating, and the forebrain which controls our voluntary movement. The spinal cord acts as an information path of the body. It conveys messages from the brain to the rest of the body and sends what happens outside of the body to the brain. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) forms part of…
The Effect of Stress on the Brain Stress is predominantly a bodily response to an environmental stimulus. Stress responses are an important warning system to indicate approaching danger. For instance, the stress of physical pain is a warning for tissue damage, the stress of hunger warns of impending low blood sugar levels, the emotional stress of loneliness warns of potential vulnerability from predators and a lack of group protection (*) There are many different sources of stress,…
!There is different parts of the brain. The brain is important in our daily lives. If one did not have one, they would not be able to do the thing that they do every day. No one can live without brains. The brain is a very organized part of our body. It is divided into different parts. Each part of the brain has a different job. Just think if someone were to bump our head on the sidewalk while playing basketball and the left side of the brain got injured everything would be messed up. But…
Caffeine, the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive drug, is chemically related to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) (Team, 2017). More importantly, the adenine and guanine aspects of DNA and RNA (Team, 2017). Caffeine greatly impacts brain chemistry when it binds to our brain’s adenosine receptors instead of adenosine. This bonding process is the main reason caffeine keeps us awake. “Researchers at Brescia University College in Ontario, Canada found that out of 166…
1.2. Brain Development Brain development starts at the embryonic period, more specifically at the fifth week of pregnancy. Figure 1.1 illustrates the timeline of pregnancy by weeks and months of GA (16). In the first months of pregnancy and before birth, the brain experiences the most development and changes in shape, size and structure (17, 18). Most significantly, changes occur in the size of the brain and in the cortical folding. Growth continues rapidly until the brain is two to three years…
Brain scans are an important tool used by doctors to allow them to have a look at what might be doing on inside the brain giving a patient discomfort. Brain scans have a wide range of potential that has yet to be utilized by doctors. This type of imagery is only used when symptoms occur and once the issues have already arose. If a child received a brain scan as a baseline scan and then continued to receive a brain scan once every five years during their lifetime. It would be beneficial to both…
protect yourself against memory robbing, life altering, Alzheimer's disease. It appears that the brains of bilingual people work better for a good while longer after they get this disease. The latest findings come from a group of researchers at Toronto's York University who tested almost 450 patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's, half of whom spoke two languages and half who spoke a single language. All the subjects had about the same level of cognitive impairment, but the team found that…
can leave you paralyzed forever. The brain is one of the most important part of a human being. You are you, because of your brain. As I am writing this paper, I am using my brain…
The hypothalamus in located in the brain. It is responsible for regulating body temperature, some metabolic processes and it is the main part that controls the autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus is also in control of the production of many vital hormones that play a major role in maintaining the right standards for your body and chemical substances that help control different cells and organs. The hormones released from the hypothalamus control physiologic purposes, such as sleep, mood…
Burning Question: What are all the parts of the brain and what are their functions ‘Brainy’ Facts The brain. You couldn’t live without it. It helps you move, breathe, eat sleep, et cetera. It is the most complex organ and controls all of your body’s functions. When I was in kindergarten, I had an accident and fractured my skull, had a minor brain bleed and a small concussion In first grade, I had surgery to fix up my brain and skull. All of these injuries took a major toll on my brain. The…