Introduction In this paper I will examine the argument put forth in the article On The Definition and Criterion of Death by Bernat et al and articulate their ideas in regards to brain death. I will also present a counter-argument to ideas that Bernat et al contends, with my objection to these ideas based on my own opinion, and conclude with a summary of my criticisms to the argument. Presentation of Authors Argument In On The Definition and Criterion of Death, Bernat et al. suggests the total and irreversible loss of functioning of the whole brain as the sole criterion of death. Bernat et al. argues that the definition of brain death is the permanent cessation of the organism and the criterion as the cessation of the brain. According to…
all heard one or more definitions of death. The real problem arises in assembling all the broken meanings of this feared state of our lives. Defining death is not merely an issue of describing this simple term; death has greater deep-rooted consequences in emergency rooms of hospitals where technology has enabled us to reflect on a new dimension of death – brain death as opposed to the cessation of cardiovascular function. In this essay, I aim to focus on how brain death successfully determines…
Is Brain Death Really Death? Paige Taylor PM Session Ms. Valerie Wilkinson July 6, 2016 Abstract The concept of “brain death” is complex in terms of clinical evaluation as well as moral and ethical implications. I will examine how brain death is defined; how doctors conclude someone is brain dead; the difference between brain death and a coma; how brain death is occurs; and, if it is reversible. I will also discuss the implications of brain death as it relates to organ donation. Is Brain Death…
Brain death starts with some sort of devastating neurologic injury, They include traumatic brain injury a stroke caused by a ruptured blood vessel in the brain or if the heart has stopped and the brain goes without oxygen and other nutrients it needs to survive for a long period of time. Life support exacerbates the problem because those who are brain dead do not have a life to sustain. Life support refers to the medications and equipment used to keep people alive in medical situations. These…
An Understanding of Human Death Humans know life. It’s the only thing we know--besides breathing or growing or other things of the same nature, which of course are only byproducts of living--and the only thing every one of us knows. By the very second a human exists, he/she has lived. Of course the meaning of ‘human’ and what qualifies as human could be discussed (Zygote? Fetus? Fully born baby?), but to discuss it would be rather lengthy and simply not necessary to the argument. Each and…
Death is, of course, the one thing mankind has feared collectively above all else. It drives more than half of the decisions we make in our day to day lives. Dieting, medical treatment, and belief in a life after death are just a few of the many ways we as humans avoid life’s end, and even attempt to block out the thought of dying. But possibly even more so, humans are drawn to the timeless series of questions when confronted with such a concept. What will death feel like? Will it be painful? Is…
Traditionally in Japan, it is common practice to be weary of the doctor who tries to extract organs from the brain dead, but for abortion of an unborn fetus to be common practice. These attitudes towards the fetus and brain death are contradictory stances when it comes to the sanctity of life, however, through ritual practices, these contradictions begin to illustrate how the Japanese view life, death, and family. Brain death in Japan is seen as a too individualized definition of death. Brain…
Brain death is a concept used in situations in which life-support equipment obscures the conventional cardiopulmonary criteria of death, and it is legally recognized in most countries worldwide. Brain death during pregnancy is an occasional and tragic occurrence. The mother and fetus are two distinct organisms, and the death of the mother mandates consideration of the well-being of the fetus. Where maternal brain death occurs after the onset of fetal viability, the benefits of prolonging the…
Memory represents a person’s perception of self and identity. Reflecting on past memories and experiences allows a person to recognize who he or she is and where he or she came from. In the novel, Brain on Fire, by Susannah Cahalan, a disease known as anti-NMDA receptor autoimmune encephalitis inflames Cahalan’s brain, inducing cognitive deficiencies such as hallucinations, paranoia, and slurred speech. Cahalan refers to her hospital stay as her “month of madness” because these symptoms…
define the term death, many would say the end of life, but what exactly qualifies as the end of life? This is what author John Fortunato (2013) discusses in his article “‘Irreversibility’ and the Modern Understanding of Death”. He demonstrates how death is a very confusing and cryptic subject, but thanks to scientific advancements in medical technology we are coming closer to answering that question. In his article, Fortunato questions the role ethics has in defining death. Ethics should not be…