When looking at an iPad app to evaluate, I thought of all of the things that I would want if I was a student. The ease of navigation, the available content, the accuracy of the content, and if the information is age appropriate. In my search, I came across the app called Anatomy and Physiology 3D Free: Anatomical Model of the Human Body. This was a free app that I was able to download within a few minutes on my personal iPad. Total size of the app is 723 MB. The web rating is 12+. A brief summary of the app was provided by the creator. The description read that the app was a great reference, testing, and educational tool. It provided a full 3D male and female model with over 4,700 structures in each of the two models. It provides…
Growing up, sports were always something I cherished, something I filled a lot of my free time with, and something I used to identified my persona. I have experienced my fair share of injuries from concussions to broken bones and while these things prevented my participation in sports, they intrigued me. In fact, the wholesome health of the human body has always appeared extremely fascinating to me. My love for the anatomy of the human body was uncovered Sophomore year amidst a basic health…
Throughout high school, there will always be classes that are exceedingly difficult. In those classes, no matter how hard you try, you often feel like you will never understand the material, much less pass the tests. Take human anatomy for example. This class is often seen as the most grueling course in high school because of its information-packed, bi-weekly tests that make up your entire grade. With such a short time period to learn everything, it seems impossible to achieve a decent grade…
experiment was because the human body and the body of the anura are homeostasis. Both frogs and humans possess a skull, spine, central nervous system, and the bones of the limbs are given the same names for each species. Yet, the human radius and ulna are separate bones, which form the…
grandfather and great-grandfather were both physicians and his father was a pharmacist. He found a love for anatomy at an early age, and started his medical studies at age sixteen. He studied under, then assisted, Jacob Sylvius, and soon began to disagree with the ways of previous anatomists. Over time, Andreas Vesalius made groundbreaking discoveries and disproved dozens of theories, earning him title of the founder of the modern science of anatomy. In honor of his courage…
continued learning of the human body and other things, and last but not least accidental discoveries. During the Renaissance medical practices…
My Tutoring Experience Spring 2016 This was my first officially semester of tutoring here at Northland Pioneer College and it was a great experience. I was a Biology tutor and some the classes I tutored included Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology. I also tutored over the distance system using the video models which was really nice I got to learn how to use the advanced equipment they use at our college. Through the EDU 101 class I was enrolled in I learned so much…
Previously, a Greek anatomist named Galen found most of the information on anatomy that was used during that time period. He had previously found that there was a set of arteries leading directly from the heart to the brain called the rete mirabile. Andreas Vesalius proved that there is no such thing as the rete mirabile through the dissection of animals and humans. This shows how he was the most influential anatomist in the Renaissance because he showed, through his work, that another anatomist…
In regards to the skull anatomy (as shown below), the male skull is larger and heavy-boned, and the female skull is small and light-boned. The forehead of the male skull is steep and flat, whereas the female forehead is more rounded. Female cheekbone size is small and delicate in contrast to the male cheekbone size (large and heavy). The male mandible size and shape are large and more of a squared chin whereas the female is smaller and more of a pointed chin. The occipital condyles of the male…
Doctor in the making There I was going through the pig's trachea and went straight to his heart. Having a pig’s heart in my hands was amazing, nothing that exciting has happened to me until I decided to dissect a pig. I put the heart down and went on with my adventure, went to the pig’s stomach and poked a little hole in it, and brown liquid started to oozing out. It was probably the most disgusting but exciting thing I have seen in that class. When I found out my school offered physiology and…