The field of genetics is an interesting concept to comprehend because it beholds answers to why some people are born with genetic birth defects, such as: down syndrome, heart defects, neural tube defects and blood disorders (Miranda Hitti, 2006). Not only that, but it accounts for why millions of people die because of these defects and it is mainly due to the cause of having a genetic mix up (Miranda Hitti, 2006). This is where the human genome project comes to the rescue. The human genome project has a goal of achieving an "accurate sequence of the 3 billion DNA base pairs that make up the human genome and to find all of the estimated 20,000 to 25,000 human genes." (GHR, 2015). With this information, our medical technology can advance significantly…
7. Identify one finding from the Human Genome Project and discuss how it might impact our understanding of human behavior. One finding from the Human Genome Project includes the identification of “approximately 200 disease-related genes” (Ginsberg, Nackerud & Larrison, 2004, p. 118). This finding impacts our understanding of human behavior as it gives a better biological understanding of these diseases and it helps social workers to be better advocates for those who have these diseases. Our…
Science in today’s world is changing heavily, especially with research on genetics. The Human Genome Project is contributing the healthcare system around the world. Although this research is contributing to healthcare, there are ethical and social issues at hand. New research is helping families know their risk of inheriting diseases, which in many cases could cause the issue of discrimination. This project in particular could lead to a new world of medicine and healthcare for many families.…
1) (20 points) The Human Genome Project (HGP) – Awesome Achievement… for what? The Human Genome Project has guided the medical field and has chnaged many lives. With having the human genome project you can now look into your genetrics and find mutation sin your own geneome to find out what you have or are at risk of having. Also with human genemeing we have found areas in the gene that represent a certaint disorder and with medican we can help change the issue within the body. For example there…
According The National Human Genome Research Institute the Human Genome Project (HGP) was the international, collaborative research program whose goal was the complete mapping and understanding of all the genes of human beings. All our genes together are known as our “genome.”The genes are examined, and their bases described, researchers have to translate what their order means. A genome is the entire DNA in an organism, including its expressed genes. These genes carry the codes for making all…
Introduction The Human Genome Project was a research program that began in 1990 and took 13 years to complete (1). The project was originally funded by the US Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health. Additionally, many other countries participated, including the UK, Canada, Japan, France, and Germany (1). The overall aim of the Human Genome Project was to completely understand and map out every human gene, the genome (2). The other goals of the program were to determine the…
Why or why not should you or your unborn child get tested with the human genome? Adults are faced with many choices as parents. To get the testing done it may be hard for some people it does cost a lot of money. For example, the project can tell you if your unborn child has a genetic disorder or not but doing the testing may lead to a miscarriage with the child. The human genome project is the world's largest biological project. The original name of the project was the human genome…
HUMAN GENOME PROJECT Be it resolved that the Human Genome Project is for the well-being of the human race. According to the National Human Genome Research Institute, the Human Genome Project was one of the great feats of exploration in history. This is because the Human Genome Project is all about examining a human body’s genome, and DNA structure, and the vigorous thing about that is that it is not just about researching, it is also about doing something righteous with the information that has…
The Human Genome Project has been a hot button topic since the initial draft was created in 1999. The creation of gene manipulation has raised a multitude of complex questions, and it leaves many more unanswered. Henry Greely, the director of the center of law and biosciences, thinks that the human race is not mentally equipped enough to begin experimentation on the Human Genome in his article “Legal, Ethical, and Social Issues in Human Genome Research”. Johannes Borgstein, agrees with him in…
harm human life, but it also runs on technology, from people’s need of energy/electricity for light to people’s addiction to smartphone, internet, and need of Wi-Fi. The advancement in both areas would have not been possible without the help of each other; the breakthroughs in science became easier, faster, and accurate due to the advancement and innovations in scientific machinery that aided in the breakthroughs in science area. In the last two decades, there have been numerous of advancements…