“Genome editing” is a form of genetic engineering that involves the addition, deletion, and modification of genes in a genome. The genome of an organism is the full genetic complement of that given organism hence by editing the genome, scientists are able to alter the phenotype of these organisms and can modify the cellular functions occurring within the organism. Mutations in the DNA of an organism occur during DNA replication. For example in the human genome, it is thought that there are 6 billion places where mutations can occur. These mutations can alter the function of cells and can be the cause of genetic diseases thus the development of genome editing is essential to modern day science as it can be used as a form of gene therapy. There…
As many of us already have studied in the past, the human genome can subdivide itself into two parts. The nuclear genome, which consists of over 26,000 genes and the circular mitochondrial genome, which consist of the only consist of 37 genes (“Organization of the human genome” 257). The human genome is vastly large compared to the mitochondrial genome. Mitochondrial has played a significant role in genetics throughout time. For example, mtDNA helped geneticists understand the past and our…
The article Brave New Genome is very interesting and raises some very good questions regarding bioethical issues. The articles introduces the topic by giving a brief timeline of events that have taken place in genome mapping over the years. One of the biggest discoveries occurred about ten years ago and scientists found that bacteria cells can be programmed to use DNA to reproduce specific types of genomes. Then in 2013 a scientists Zhang and Church were able to use this information and apply it…
The field of genetics is an interesting concept to comprehend because it beholds answers to why some people are born with genetic birth defects, such as: down syndrome, heart defects, neural tube defects and blood disorders (Miranda Hitti, 2006). Not only that, but it accounts for why millions of people die because of these defects and it is mainly due to the cause of having a genetic mix up (Miranda Hitti, 2006). This is where the human genome project comes to the rescue. The human genome…
The doctors show that people can use lots of different ways to go wrong with personal DNA. Genome Sequenced can help people find out the mutations; However, most of the people think that Genome Sequenced are cheating them. For example, it may confuse doctors, scare patients and drive up costs. In the article, “YOU CAN GET YOUR WHOLE GENOME SEQUENCED. BUT SHOULD YOU? “(2017) MEGAN MOLTENI shows Genome Sequenced can help patients take care their body and almost no side effects. First of all,…
Comparative Analysis of Plant Genome – An Overview Introduction Comparative genomics is used to study the similarities and differences in the structure and function of genome in living organisms. In the medical field, this information can help scientist to better understand the human genome. This allows them to develop new strategies to combat human disease. Comparative genomics is also a powerful tool to study the evolutionary relationship among organisms. We are able to identify genes that…
1) (20 points) The Human Genome Project (HGP) – Awesome Achievement… for what? The Human Genome Project has guided the medical field and has chnaged many lives. With having the human genome project you can now look into your genetrics and find mutation sin your own geneome to find out what you have or are at risk of having. Also with human genemeing we have found areas in the gene that represent a certaint disorder and with medican we can help change the issue within the body. For example there…
Mapping, and Sharing, the Consumer Genome Analysis Someone knowing who you are, what you like, and where you live is such a scary thought. In the article entitled “Mapping, and Sharing, the Consumer Genome”, Natasha Singer explains who this someone is, this someone is the company named Acxiom. Acxiom is a huge data collecting company, collection data on consumers. Singer gave readers a better understanding of what the consumer genome is and how it is being used every day. However to get a…
faster, and accurate due to the advancement and innovations in scientific machinery that aided in the breakthroughs in science area. In the last two decades, there have been numerous of advancements in both of the area, but one invention that caught my attention was invented in the April of 2003, The Human Genome Project. The Human genome project has been around for two decades, since its initiation and sponsored by the National Human Genome Research Institute. The Human genome project is…
7. Identify one finding from the Human Genome Project and discuss how it might impact our understanding of human behavior. One finding from the Human Genome Project includes the identification of “approximately 200 disease-related genes” (Ginsberg, Nackerud & Larrison, 2004, p. 118). This finding impacts our understanding of human behavior as it gives a better biological understanding of these diseases and it helps social workers to be better advocates for those who have these diseases. Our…