When reading the book Life of Pi, I am amazed by how much suffer that Pi had been through for such a young boy. From the embarrassment of his name on the first day of school, to the acceptance of society about one God which he chose to follow in three different religiouses. From the moment he has to leave his birthplace to move to an unfamiliar country where everything is different, temperature, skin color, etc., to the moment his whole family is lay in the bottom of the angry Pacific and he is the one who survived. From sharing the only shelter that could save his life to the most dangerous animal once he witness killed an poor innocent goat, to almost believe in that his life is saved by an island that is full of food and fresh water turned…
Many can say they have a good life, but I can say that I have a very fun super exciting life that you wish you had. I think being me is amazing. I may not have the typical life of a regular kid or student but I would much rather have my life than an average everyday kid. Most kids have friends just at school, but I have friends in close and far away places. All this comes from the life of being a top level soccer player in the state of ohio. There are many things that I have experienced, and as…
Title Page My journey in life did not truly began till the summer of 2011. Just like the setting scene of the book Ping, it was the beginning of life to come that was all we knew. When everything in the pond was pure bliss, life was wonderful to say the least. It seemed as though nothing could be a problem and that life was kind and no one really knew what lie ahead. Everything at the pond was laidback, easy-going, and full of contentment for everyone but Ping as we…
In order to live a healthy life, it is imperative that you understand the stages of life. There are twelve life stages that range from birth to adulthood to death. Understanding the stages of life allows to meet the correct health requirements for that life stage. For example, if someone is in the infant stage it is not recommended that you give them foods that are difficult to digest. Living a healthy life consists of understanding your body, which allows you to determine your diet, physical…
painful moments had happened. Psychologists called those moments nonnormative life events. Normative life events “are unusual occurrences that have a major impact on the individual’s life” (Santrock, 2013, p. 5). For me, I remembered my own nonnormative life event like it was yesterday. 5 years ago, my grandmother passed away without a notice. I was 16 at the time when I first heard the tragic news about my grandmother. I remembered my uncle called my mom and told her that my grandma had been…
speaks of stress not being too bad for us and should be transformed into good. Author supports her argument using an example of young monkeys who were separated from their mother developing prefrontal cortexes. The cortexes made them more resilient. Another research example that took me with a lot of surprises those on contestants of games shows which proved that men who are stressed had a higher rate of trust and cooperation to the extent of 75%. The men out of stress became pro-social. (Kelly…
The Boy's life and Emancipation: A Life Fable were both good stories with important themes. In the Boy's life it was about a boy trying to get out of school for summer vacation and how he is so anxious to get out. In Emancipation: A Life Fable it was about an animal born in a cage and how the door was left open and he discovered he was happier out of the cage. They both taught lesson but they were not exactly the same although there were some similarity here and there. The few common…
start asking about my dad, first thing I tell them is he passed away, to wrap it up but between myself, I feel something bigger deep down, that I will never be the same. Every child life is a puzzle filled with memories and experiences. Each one of them connects this special puzzle. When completed they create this bigger picture of life, which shapes a persons life, personality and view on life. When my dad passed away a piece of my puzzle has been ripped away. I can add to that puzzle, I can…
Work Life Balance "There is no such thing as work-life balance. Everything worth fighting for unbalances your life." - Alain de Botton In the light of the above statement, I would say that it cannot define an ambitious person's life any better but for his own sanity he will have to maintain a balance between his personal and professional life. Some time ago the limits of work and home were clearly defines. Today, work is prone to interfere in our lives — and keeping up work-life offset is not…
A gentleman named Bill Vaughan once said “It is the duty of a doctor to prolong life and it is not his duty to prolong the act of dying”. I believe that to prolong one's life is to live life as vast as one can, to be as healthy as one should be and to be as happy as one can be. To “prolong life” in the medical field; it is a word often thrown around as to how how to keep a human’s heart beating as long as possible regardless if it is done artificially. The “prolonged of life” becomes known as…