Jupiter and Mercury are both named after Roman gods. Jupiter is named after the king of the gods and Mercury is named after the messenger god. Jupiter is named after the king of the gods because it is the biggest planet. Mercury is named after the messenger god because it’s orbital period is so fast. Mercury and Jupiter’s names are for a reason. Mercury and Jupiter both fit very cohesively into solar system. For example, both planets have their own spot in the order from the sun. Mercury is the first closest to the sun and Jupiter is the fifth closest. This makes Mercury an inner planet and Jupiter an outer planet. Mercury, being the closest to the sun, is only 0.39 Astronomical Units, or 58,500,000 Kilometers. On the other hand, Jupiter is 5.20 Astronomical Units from the sun, or 780,000,000 Kilometers. As you can see, Mercury is much closer to the sun, but it orbits the sun a lot slower; Mercury takes 87.97 earth days to orbit the sun. Meanwhile, it takes…
The planet Jupiter is one of the five objects to be visible from Earth in the solar system. Of these bodies it is the second largest behind the sun. Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System with a mass of 1.899x1027kg orbiting at 5.2AU from the Sun. Jupiter is orbited by 67 moons of which the first four are called the Galilean moons as of their discovery in 1614 by Galileo. Jupiter formed about 4.6billion years ago from the cloud of dust and gas that made up the early Solar System.…
There is a planet that has 90% hydrogen and 10% helium. This planet is Jupiter, also known as the gas planet. According to coolcosmos.com Jupiter is name after the Greek god Zeus and the location is between Saturn & the Asteroid belt. Italian scientist Galileo Galilei discovered Jupiter in 1601. The celestial objects surrounding Jupiter are Saturn, 67 moons, and the Asteroid belt, Although Not only Jupiter is a outer planet, but also near Mars. Italian scientist Galileo Galilei was the first…
about Jupiter and its discoveries. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and the fifth planet from the sun. It has many nicknames such as The Giant Planet or The Red Giant. People make up many names for the planet just by looking at it. It's also known for the nickname The Gas Giant because it's made out of 90% hydrogen and 10% helium with small traces of other gases. II.The Moons Jupiter was founded in 1610 by Galileo Galilei and his rudimentary telescope. Galileo also found…
Planet Jupiter, the largest of the gas planets, reigns superiority in the solar system. It is the fifth planet from the sun and features unique properties that are unlike Earth and other planets. Jupiter is one of the five planets including; Mars, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury, that can be seen with a naked eye. Its massive size makes it hard to miss in the gleaming night sky. Due to their visibility, the planets have been observed by many cultures and were given various names. The Romans named…
discovered four of the largest moons to orbit the planet Jupiter. Moreover, around this same time German astronomer Simon Marius observed these satellites for the very first time too. Credit may have been given to Galileo Galilei, however the names of the four largest moons to orbit Jupiter were named after those suggested to Marius, and they are also used today, they are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. (JPL.NASA.GOV) The discoveries of such satellites at this time transformed and…
The Jupiter Adventures At long last the Jupiter Spacecraft Voyager has finished its exploration of the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter. The Galileo spacecraft was launched on October 19, 1989. It has been through a lot to get to the Jovian system. Even though it had malfunctions in mechanical problems the space probe still managed to survive and keep going on. Very little is known about the outside world, (space) but the discoveries that the Galilean probe has brought back will…
lame but once i found some really cool facts about Jupiter i was like wow space is so cool. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System and it’s inner core is the size of Earth. Also Jupiter can fit 11 Earths. It is called the gas planet. Jupiter is made of of 90% Hydrogen and 10% Helium. A really cool fact about Jupiter is that it is the King of the Roman Gods. The white zones on Jupiter are made out of crystal made out of frozen ammonia. There is Diamond rain on Jupiter the process is…
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. If it got any bigger it could have become a star. Over 1300 Earths or all the other planets in the solar system could fit inside Jupiter. The Ancient Greeks first called Jupiter, Zeus in honor of the king of all the Greek gods. Zeus was the most powerful god, and controlled thunder and lightning. In later years, the Romans began to call it Jupiter, which is their name for Zeus. Because of its large size, Jupiter has a very strong gravitational…
The orbit of Jupiter is elliptical instead of circular, like that of any other planet. At its closest approach, Jupiter comes within about 4.95 astronomical units of the Sun. As we already know, an astronomical unit (AU) is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun. At its most distant point, Jupiter is approximately 5.46 AU from the Sun. Jupiter’s semi-major axis, which is an average from the farthest distance from the sun and the closest distance from the sun, is about 5.2 AU. Jupiter is…