Taylor Swift’s Journey to Fearless For my extra credit opportunity I watched the documentary Taylor Swift’s Journey to Fearless. I am going to summarize what the film is about, how popstar Taylor Swift was changed and developed since the film was released, and critique the producers of the documentary. Taylor Swift’s Journey to Fearless was released in 2010 by Hasbro Studios. By the time the movie was released, Swift had just finished her world tour Fearless. The tour was filled with countless special effects, skilled dancers, and many top singles performed by Taylor Swift. The documentary, Taylor Swift’s Journey to Fearless, begins by describing how Swift first got into the music industry. It then illustrates how her tour was started, and…
Although Beowulf wants to be seen as a fearless leader by fighting the dragon alone, his soldiers disagree with him and join him in the battle to kill the demon. Before Beowulf goes into battle with the fire-breathing dragon, Wiglaf says to the other soldiers, “Let us go to him/help our leader through the hot flame and dread of fire” (2648-2650). Through these actions of the soldiers, they continually show the friendship they have with him by not allowing Beowulf to go battle alone. As a reward…
Many people try to find something like LISTEN TO MUSIC that helps them to relax and escape from confusion and tension in their daily life, even just minutes. I am one of those people that music becomes a part of my life. I do not only just listen to it, but I also learn from its meanings, LYRICS. Lyrics are one significant type of literary writings because they contain the meaningful verses and emotional tones, such as sadness, happiness, and hope, of the writers. So, lyrics are the powerful…
to get discovered, because it was at the age of fourteen that she secured an artist development with RCA records. Taylor left this artist development a year later because the record company wasn 't giving her artistic freedom. She continued looking for someone who would give her the chance she wanted, and she found in Scott Borchetta while she was playing at the famous Bluebird Cafe in Nashville. Borchetta talked to Taylor after she finished playing, and ended up signing her to Big Machine…
There are many heroes in the Novel “Fearless,” but the main heroes in my opinion would be Adam and Kelly Brown . Adam and kelly we're not always the perfect couple, they went through a lot for each other. Adam needed help with some problems he had, and Kelly needed someone like him in her life. They both loved each other very much, Just being with each other made them happy. Adam had a very rough and difficult past to go through alone. He had a drug problem, and denied to see what he was doing…
to assume Taylor Swift like her female counterparts who perform lyrics but do not write them, instead Swift has worked diligently to highlight her role as songwriting author. Although this comment from Heap was blogged back in 2014, this is a discrepancy in Swift’s work that she has been battling since the start of her career and potentially proved influential in Swift’s decision to write her third album, Speak Now, entirely by herself with no co-writers credited. Released on October 25, 2010,…
Culturally I did not grow up with a lot of exposure to Chinese culture. I am always interested in learning and decide to pick a culture I was not completely familiar with. I chose to watch a foreign movie called Fearless, also known as Jet Li’s Fearless in the United States. I chose to watch a movie because I enjoy watching and learning from films. I have never watched a foreign film so I was intrigued to experience one. I honestly was not sure what to expect with a foreign movie, except I knew…
Although it has many assumptions, what does the word fearless actually mean? According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the clear meaning of fearless is “lacking fear” or “not afraid”. Synonyms for this characteristic most known to people everywhere include brave, bold, and sometimes even heroic. Written by Eric Blehm, Fearless is the long, heroic journey of Adam Brown, where he faces drug addiction, the challenge of self-worth, and overcomes his fears, making his life a sacrifice for the…
The Fearless Actions of One The Anthem is a book that describes the reality and truths of many people’s lives in this world. Equality 7-2521 was born into a society that eliminates completely individuality and uniqueness of a person. The people in that society are taken away from their parents and placed in a “Home of the Infants” and move to the “Home of the Students” at the age of five. During Equality’s school years, his teachers disliked him for being “too smart” and the authorities berated…
The artist of ‘The Fearless Girl’ is Kristen Visbal (December 3, 1962 in Montevideo, Uruguay). The Fearless Girl (2017) is her most famous sculpture of public art. She specializes in Lost Wax Bronze Casting. The distinguishing characteristics reflected in the work of sculptor Kristen Visbal are delicate details and fluid movement. It is 50 inches (1,300 mm) bronze statue of a brave girl located in Lower Manhattan. It is smaller in size and three-dimensional form. The actual color of the…