Language plays a very important role in modern world. It helps us to communicate to the world and transfer our ideas to others. Right now I am an international student in University of New Hampshire, and studying English is my main propose here. I always can hear someone say that Chinese is one of the most difficult language for people to study. Today I have such an honor to observe a 631 Advanced Chinese Conversation and Composition class which is taught by Professor Yang. After I experienced this Chinese class, I noticed students’ behavior in class and Professor’s teaching strategy, also I found out there are the things I dislike and things I really like. Unlike the lecture class in which students sit there quietly, I found a new a picture of students’ conduct in this class. they had very different age groups. I met OISS staff in this class and other campus staff in there as well. I was early for the class, I found out students all came early and they helped Professor to set up the class table. During the class, every student took their work very seriously. If they had…
Li, S., & Brown, C. M. (2014). Activating Different Attributional Patterns in Chinese Bicultural Individuals with Language Cues. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, 19(4). Li and Brown focused on the how the effects of language would influence attributional patterns in Chinese bicultural individuals, who resided in Western countries. The independent variable is language and it is operationally defined as an effective cue that has commonly been used to initiate corresponding constructs…
The purpose of the current study is to examine how standardized language assessment affects Chinese young learners’ motivation for second language learning. Adopting the L2 Motivational Self System as the theoretical framework, this survey-based research uses two sets of questionnaires among 6th-grade test takers of MSEET in a Chinese urban city. This study uses a pre-test questionnaire to elicit 6th-grade young learners’ self-perceptions about how their L2 motivation has been influenced by…
introduced him to a certain variety in life. Although, born in China, Tony’s parents were native to a small village in the Philippines. Since their professions required them to move to China, they spoke Filipino at home. Both of his parents spoke only limited Chinese, but were apprehensive that their limited mastery of the language would teach their son the language incorrectly. Instead of speaking Chinese at home, Tony grew up speaking Filipino and learned Chinese through school. A…
In my CASPA personal statement, I wrote about my parents, who are my role models and inspiration for pursuing a career in the medical field. They were immigrants from China and taught me Chinese, my first language. When I was a child, I spoke almost exclusively in Chinese until I started preschool. After I started school, I worked diligently to improve my English. Years of hard work paid off and I became fluent in English but, unfortunately, my Chinese language skills diminished. Because my…
For decades, languages have been changed all the time, because of conquest, migration, trade and so on. Through those ways, speakers of one language would be brought into contacting with speakers who speak different languages. In some cases, people only borrow a few words from their own language to express their though; in others, a new language may be formed by people to communicate with each other. Therefore, different languages can have different outcomes. In China, this contact situation is…
In the article Enforcing the Borders: Chinese Exclusion along the U.S. Borders with Canada and Mexico, Erika Lee asserts that Chinese immigration and exclusion had created transnational disputes about illegal immigration, race, citizenship, immigration laws and international affairs. She also defines and explains the significance of the Chinese Exclusion act. The Chinese Exclusion Act marked the first time the US restricted immigration due to race and class. It also defines that immigrants were…
Rice is typically served at every meal, though in some parts of China noodles are served in place of rice. Vegetables are a large part of the Chinese diet and meat is smaller portions then what Americans are used to. Some popular cuisine of China are as follows: eggdrop soup, dumplings, wonton soup, sweet and sour pork, fried rice, spring rolls, wontons, Peking duck, almond cookies, and green tea ("Food", n.d.). The Chinese celebrate many festivals throughout the year. Some of the major…
culture is demarcated by is its form of communication: language. Likewise, the first step to understanding a culture is to become immersed in its language, and vice versa. The two come hand in hand; it is almost impossible to completely sever one from another. Maxine Hong Kingston, who uses language as her primary vessel for relaying her life as it was in the lieu of two contrasting cultures, understood this, and used it to her advantage. An analyses of Kingston’s The Woman Warrior reveals that…
Canadian-Born Chinese Children Canadian-Born Chinese (CBC) children are a fast-growing minority in Canada. When CBC children grow older, most of them struggle between Canadian culture at school, and Chinese culture at home with tension, since there are a lot of differences in these two cultures. For example, in Canadian culture where outgoing personality is valued, CBC children are encouraged to be talkative in school. However, when they have Chinese cultural lesson from home, parents require…