facial expressions throughout the movie. The down fall when watching a film is that the audience cannot hear the character’s thoughts. When they cannot read their thoughts on the page in front of them, it is hard to figure out their reasoning and personality. When a character in a movie runs into a burning building, the audience is left wondering why? If that same scene would be in a novel, the audience would have known that she was looking for her brother who has been staying in that building. In movies, the audience is merely an observer, whereas in books, the reader is as involved in the book as much as the actual…
Books vs Movies Entertainment is most important part of life. There are so many types of entertainment. One particular kind of entertainment that’s most popular is media: movies, books and TV shows. All of this types of media have many similarities. Obviously, there are many difference between them as well. Deciding whether to read book and see a movie or a TV show can depend on the person, or what sort of people might be around the person. For those who like to ready a more publically…
out that has been based on a novel. Some people would say that you need to read the book before you watch the movie, because it makes things easier to understand. Some people say they like the mystery while watching the movie and can’t wait to see what happens next; when they don’t read the novel first. If I don’t read the book first, the movie keeps me intrigued because I don’t know what to expect in the end and in the future movies, if there are any. I do enjoy reading the books before viewing…
Showing VS. Telling Movies and books have been disputed for their entire existence together. If one is superior to the other, if stories from books should be turned into movies, and even the director and author’s clashing opinion. Though these are relevant in the debate, it is still up to personal opinion to say which is better. Though most of differences are opinionated, some are factual such as the length of the story, the visual of the movie against the imaginative aspect of books, and the…
“Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit, but taste completely different” -Stephen King. I find that the movie paints a perfect picture well, on the other hand, reading the book you have to let your imagination take over and create images in your head of what might the scene look like.“ The cat in the hat” was a well-written book by celebrated children’s book author Dr. Seuss, originally published in 1957 and a well-developed movie directed by Bo Welch, after reading…
Reading Interest Survey The two students I interviewed for the interest reading survey were my two brothers Airian and Adrian. The two had very different results. I will analyze their results individually and then I will analyze them together as well as make suggestions for each of the two in topics I believe they would be interested in reading. Since the two were raised in different settings I will also bring in the concept of nature vs. nurture and how it can possibly affect ones interest in…
Art vs. Art 1. Introduction Literature can, at times, have a fascinating connection with film. Whether it is a film or a piece of literature, both are written by someone that wants to leave an impact on an audience. However, movies and books have different roles. They each have different strong points: books give better characterization, stronger revelations and inner conflict, but movies create better mood with music and visuals/effects. You should always read the book first because…
was: Michael, his dad Tom, this counselor, and the JVS Pathways team. The meeting was held to go over what was gathered during the Discovery process and to talk about him moving forward with an internship. During the meeting Rita the Career Navigator who spent all her time with Michael during the Discovery process went over everything that was collected such as: his interests, contributions/skills, ideal working conditions vs. preferences, tasks, and potential sites for an internship (full…
recent years, teachers have been finding creative ways to reinforce the lessons taught. The most common method happens to be viewing movies in class. The Martian is a fascinating film about the adventures of Mark Watney as he is abandoned on Mars during a failed exploration. He is left with only limited amount of food and water, as well as the knowledge in botany and mechanical engineering. The movie is an adaptation of the book, The Martian, written by Andy Weir which presents you with valid…
Comparison Essay: Moana vs. Ariel’s Story For many years Disney has been producing many princess and fairytale stories. Disney has been a making great books and films of our favorite fairy tales and stories. Moana and Ariel’s Story are two of Disney’s makings that became very popular to more young viewers but are still great for any reader or viewer. Although these stories are different, one being a book and the other a film, they are still very alike. When creating these products Disney was…