Odysseus is a hero according to him being loyal to anybody and helping others out in order to get to Ithaca to his family and kingdom. He may be a hero, but mostly if he were one, he would not had had let some of his men die and suffer. For all reasons he once went into a cave because of his curiosity and got his men eaten by Polyphemus. There was one time he got a prophecy about how his men wouldn’t survive but he had kept the secret to himself. But at the same time he did his best to help his men safe like the time when he was in the cave and Polyphemus ate his men, Odysseus had slayed the monster and got some of his men to escape his dreaded cave. So Odysseus had saved his men but at the same time he did let some of them die, so you can see that Odysseus is a hero but sometimes he holds himself back from being a hero and does things that a hero wouldn’t do. Odysseus is also known to always to finish the job even it meant danger ahead and life threatening times. If Odysseus wasn’t a hero, he would have gave up and would not have tried to get home and wouldn’t even care about his family. It just may be that he may not be a hero because he has no compassion. He would let his men die and had just wander where ever he wants like the time it had taken him to get to his home. Even though that did happen he would still…
Second reason, after nine days they left Ismarus, they went to a land called Lotus Eater, and Odysseus got curious about the mainlanders and “sent out two picked men and a runner” (Homer 200), and because he was coward and sacrificed them instead of going by himself his crew mates ate the Lotus, “but those who ate this honeyed plant, the Lotus, never cared to report, nor to return: they longed to stay forever, browsing on that native bloom, forgetful of their homeland” (Homer 205-210), and that…
Odysseus is an epic hero for many reasons, but the main reasons why he qualifies for being an epic hero is because he fought for his life to save his shipmates. “He saw the townlands and learned the minds of many distant men, and weathered many bitter nights and days in his deep heart at sea while he fought only to save his life, to bring his shipmates home”( FitzGerald page 1). Another reason why he qualifies to be an epic hero is that epic hero has to make difficult decisions and odyssey did…
An epic hero is a character that possesses courage, strength, and desire to achieve immortality through heroic actions. Odysseus is the closest fictional character to all of these qualities. He is a leader, very courageous, and just an overall hero in my eyes. Odysseus is a fictional character from the epic poem "Odyssey" by Homer. There is many reasons why he should be an epic hero. First, one reason that should put him on top of the list is because he is a great leader. He pretty much…
ODYSSEUS \ My main idea is that i think that being being an epic hero you need to have power, strength, discipline, and you have to be kindness. All this four things Odysseus have them. Odysseus is a kind person. He has a good discipline to stay on one situation or on one place until the end. He is also very mortal that can resist everything and gives all his effort. Odysseus has all this many reasons to be a hero. The weakness part of Odysseus is…
The Odyssey An Epic Hero A hero can be described in many different ways; a celebrity, an athlete, or even someone who does something nice. But in Homer's poem, “The Odyssey,” a homer epic hero is described as to be better than a normal human being and above the norm. The characteristics of the average epic hero are strength, loyalty, courageous, and smart. Odysseus is an epic hero as he fits all of these traits and many more. Although his curiosity and selfishness have gotten him and his crew…
The idea of a hero is based upon one’s point of view. A hero is admired and idolized for their courage. Odysseus is a cunning king, a loyal crew captain, and he is dedicated to go back to Ithaca. In the epic poem The Odyssey by Homer. Odysseus is the king of Ithaca, who spent 10 years helping his close friend Menelaus in the Trojan war. After that passed Odysseus had to venture home with his hearty shipmates, which lasted almost another 10 years just to reach home. Odysseus who was already…
What makes somebody a good hero , in Homer's story The Odyssey a great powerful hero named Odysseus goes through many difficult trials on his return back home to his family. Odysseus is a hero because he kills all the men who tried to overcome his power. Odysseus kills the suitors because they didn't believe he would return home , when Odysseus was gone the suitors basically moved into his palace and treated his maids with disrespect. The suitors trashed Odysseus place and tried to take his…
Odysseus is a hero in some ways, but he is not a hero in many more ways. There are many definitions of a hero, but my definition of a hero is someone who is always caring, kind, and always finding a way to help others. Odysseus is not a hero. There are many ways Odysseus is not a hero. One example is, ¨Then I sent out two picked men and a runner to learn what race of men that land sustained. They fell in soon enough with the Lotus Eaters¨ (book 9, line 39-41). Odysseus risked his men's lives…
The main character of “Things Fall Apart”, Okonkwo is a tragic hero. A tragic hero holds power , chooses his course of action, possesses a tragic flaw, and it will lead to his fall. Okonkwo's tragic flaw is his fear of weakness and failure. I think that Okonkwo is a better hero than Odysseus because he had help with the gods along his journey, and Okonkwo had to work for everything, not even from his father. One reason why Okonkwo is a tragic hero, and also a better hero than Odysseus. Okonkwo…