A lot of people said that he wasn’t a hero because of the things he done like having to let some of his innocent men die. He had made choices on his own which made it a risky ride home. Odysseus may be a hero, but really is he? In the story, one time his curiosity almost made him and his men die but at the same time he did save them most of them and he tried his best to keep his men together as one. Even though he is good, he could always make mistakes like a villain would so that is why Odysseus is a hero at certain points and
A lot of people said that he wasn’t a hero because of the things he done like having to let some of his innocent men die. He had made choices on his own which made it a risky ride home. Odysseus may be a hero, but really is he? In the story, one time his curiosity almost made him and his men die but at the same time he did save them most of them and he tried his best to keep his men together as one. Even though he is good, he could always make mistakes like a villain would so that is why Odysseus is a hero at certain points and