How do scientists known what the center of the earth is? There 4 ways how scientist found out about the center of the earth ( aka inner core and outer core). Answer 1: Geologists hypothesize that the Earth's center is composed of predominantly iron. The outer portion of the center, known as the "outer core", is thought to be liquid iron. While the interior portion of the center, known as the "inner core" is thought to be solid iron. Answer 2: The main evidence for the structure of the Earth comes from studying waves generated during an earthquake. When stress builds up and rocks at depth break, then elastic waves, just like sound waves are sent from the point of rupture. These waves speed out and move through the earth. When we put seismometers…
this essay is the Original Creation of the Earth. In this essay, I will discuss, compare and contrast the viewpoints of the Nebular Hypothesis vs. the six-day creation from the Old-Earth Secular View and Young-Earth Secular View. The Young Earth creationist believes that the Earth was created in the six-day creation and the old earth creationist believes that the Earth was created billions of years ago during the time of evolution of the Solar System. It’s really all about what one believes.…
Wow did you know that earth is depopulating in seconds because of deadly toxins and trash you helped spread. Every time you throw a piece of trash out of your car window or your hotel room that adds up and defeats the purpose of life and health. Cleaning earth will allow us to live a healthier life not forgetting a longer one as well. Plus it will also let Earth's existance last longer according to scientists ! WE need to stand up…
Earth is the number one provider for all life. It provides many resources that are essential and luxurious for life. Due to the large humans have, they are the number one species that use the resources that the earth provides. However, it is very devastating to know that many people are living unsustainably and wasting many natural resources and destroying the vital thing that keeps them alive… Mother Earth. This piece of satire criticizes the unsustainable usage of resources and a few other…
of Earth Before we can learn of the compositional layers and mechanical layers of the interiors of earth, we need to know some basic concept of the four spheres. As we may know the four spheres responsible for life on earth: lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere; and their interaction with each other is called Geosphere (Fig. 1.). Another sphere that isn’t included among the rest for its different property is Pedosphere. Pedosphere is basically the interaction between the…
The article “Snowball Earth” by Hoffman, & Schrag, explores some of the relevant events on the variations of earth’s ice composition that have occurred dating back to about 600 million years ago (Walker). The hypothesis proposed in this article points towards unpredictable climatic changes that are bound to occur in the future as the earth becomes warmer and at a higher rate now due to human activity (Turney). This piece brings together several concepts and ideas that were covered in class,…
In the text, “Earth Day,” Claudia Atticot and Alexandra Manning state “Americans use about 69 million tons of paper and paperboard each year.” Recycling or reusing one ton of paper could save approximately fifteen trees.” There are some who believe that Earth Day is not a necessity. However, Earth Day is still necessary and should be observed because Earth Day teaches people about environmental issues, recycling can make a difference, and Americans treat the environment poorly. Primarily,…
the Earth, looking for extraterrestrials. The mystery of Hollow Earth is where the Earth is made up of a hollow shell with mystical creatures living inside, some stories suggest this world is where UFOs come from. Theories about the Earth’s core are ever changing, and while there is no concrete proof about what is hidden beneath the ground with such a world existing, many theories have passed along through the generations such as, the inner Earth being a spiritual place for the dead, Earth is…
The Earth has a long and eventful past where humans have only been present for a very short time period, so this means hat we can’t use first hand experiences, so have to look at the rock record from on Earth and else were in the solar system. So to start to discover the age of the Earth we need to know about how the Earth formed. We know that there are terrestrial and giant outer planets, where Earth is a terrestrial planet that have been formed by the build up of planetesimals through…
attempted to put an age to the Earth. Aristotle believed that Earth has existed eternally. Various others attempted to use the bible to extrapolate back from known history which resulted in a relatively recent beginning. In 1654, Archbishop James Usher of Ireland used this theory and estimated the creation of Earth to be 4,004 B.C. (Ticotsky, 2006). A couple of decades later, Nicolas Steno formulated the idea that is now known as “original horizontality” in which layers of sediment are…