Smart Phones in School: A Teaching Tool or a Distraction? Smart phones have become the “norm” in our society. Almost everyone has a smart phone, more commonly a smart phone. Smart phones allow users to access vast amounts of information right at one’s fingertips. Smart phones also allow the user to communicate instantaneously with their closest friends and loved ones through calling, text messaging, and various forms of social media. Smart phones have become a part of our daily lives and ourselves, from the work place to classroom. Are smart phones in the classroom a good thing or are they a bad thing? What are the consequences, both positive and negative, of allowing students to use them in the classroom? As with any good thing in this world,…
In an article entitled “Should cell phone use be allowed in classrooms? Yes.” in El Camino College Warrior Life Magazine, Karly Daquila discusses using smartphones in class. Daquila asserts it’s necessary to use smartphones in class because they are not only helpful for students to update their school activities, but also for the teacher to build a cohesive learning environment. Furthermore, she argues that by using smartphones, students can purchase electronic books that are cheaper and more…
Banning Smartphones in Schools in the Westminster School District The Westminster School District has been around for over 70 years, providing over 15 schools in the District. The district is in the center of the city of Westminster, which has gone through becoming a thriving and multicultural city since the 1900’s. The test scores of Westminster District are remarkable measured above 90 percent from grades 2-11 (See Figure 1). But as time goes on, we are faced with new generations and…
mobile phone is great technology and is a must-have for life in the 21st century. Today smart phones are a part of everyday life. Millions of people wouldn’t leave their homes without it. Communication and mobility are two very important things in today’s society. The Smartphone enables both. Neilson research shows smart phone sales skyrocketed since 2012. Fifty-five percent of all mobile phone subscribers are using smart phones now. Seventy four percent of young adults ages 25 to 34 own a…
Smart phones are a big part of today 's society. They have taken up our time, yet made time faster. It has gone from a phone as big as some of our computers today, to as fast as light and become a thin piece of glass and aluminum. We have become our smart phones. With time smart phones will evolve even more, become more complex, and take more of our precious time, but are we getting too into our smart phones? Smart phones are making us more alone because we have reduced intimacy in our…
Smart phones have caused serious harm to people and society, without users coming to such realization. Wherever an individual might be, they will see hundreds of people with their faces implanted into the tiny screens of their smart phones. It seems that phones are more valuable and significant to people than the world around them in today’s generation. These technological interactions have distracted the people from the present world and have deteriorated face-to-face communication skills and…
a smartphone. This is uplifting news for Apple, Google, Samsung, HTC, and the various companies profiting from smartphones. Over the past couple years, the number of people who uses a smart phone has been expanding rapidly. As indicated by the Pew Research Center, “about 64 percent of Americans owned smart phones in October 2014” (Smith 5). It has been expected to increase its numbers due to the popularity of smart phones as one statistic website mention that in 2019 about 236.8 million people…
accessible through a single device, small enough to fit into our pockets? Yet most of us use it to send tweets, text our friends, play games, and sometimes to avoid conversation. The device I’m referring to is none other than a smart phone. A smart phone is a mobile device with advanced features. It has a high-resolution touch screen display, WIFI connectivity, web browsing capabilities, and the ability to run sophisticated applications.(Jannsen) These devises have changed the world. They allow…
Cell phones in the Classroom: Tool or Distraction? Teaching at an urban school is already a difficult task, but to teach at a low-income urban school is another task to take on. Mrs. Kenny has been teaching Science to sophomore students for 5 years now and she could not be more passionate about her job and students. It has always been Mrs. Kenny’s first priority to do anything she can to adapt to every student in the classroom so that it can further help them in their learning. She is a firm…
Into today’s world, smart phones are omnipresent and people use them in anyplace and anytime even going to the toilet especially among teenagers. According to the research by Perlow (2012), it was found that 70% of them check their smart phones within an hour after awake, 56% used their phone within an hour before bed, 48% engage to phone over the weekend, 51% check continuously during vacation while 44% experienced anxiety if they lost their phone and couldn't replace it for a week. It is true…