For some time going to college was undoubtedly the best option to secure a stable and well paid job. However, as the number of college students has increased many have growing concerns about whether attending college is actually providing the marketed financial security. There is anxiety among prospective college students as they hear the disappointing truth about the job market from those who have graduated before them. The truth that many find hard to believe is that a college education will not necessarily guarantee a comfortable standard of living. In the article “Poverty or Prosperity—Different Paths of Life After College” published in the Wall Street Journal in 2015, Corinne Ramey and Mike Vilensky reveal the shocking truth that the…
College is going to change your life. That change can be positive, or negative…it is solely up to you. In this blog, I am going to give all of you pre-college students some advice and tips I wish I had before entering. I will also be explaining the reality of college and how it is different from high school. My goal is to make you feel extra prepared after reading this post. Lets get started! First off, college is what you make it to be because you are now responsible and accountable for your…
I am always afraid. This is not the way to live life. Even as I write, I still remain afraid. And perhaps I am expecting too much from what little initiative I supposedly take. I was never one to take on a strategically-thought out plan and utilize them into life goals. In either case, I have realized a "goal" that was far more of a bleak impediment than a noble fantasy I romanticized for nearly a year. At first, it was not such a grand scheme due to the initially modest circumstances. However,…
School life or College existence are two one-of-a-kind levels in your life so exhibit brush on variations within them. School lifestyles is commonly more disciplined than university life. During college life you would learn the basic etiquette concerning convivial propulsion as during college existence you would display the etiquette in accordance with the maximum quantity possible. You are tied by way of a number of policies and law at some point of your faculty life. There are guidelines in…
Many people believe that attaining a college degree is a necessity in today’s world. While others think that spending four more years to get a college degree is an absolute waste of their time. High school was such a tremendous part of everyone’s life. You made some of your greatest memories there with lifelong friends, learned how to stick up for yourself, and be a part of something that you will cherish forever. The greatest part about high school was that it was at home and you were well…
have to be a genius or a visionary or even a college graduate to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream,” quote coined by Michael Dell ensuing that college doesn’t always have to be pounded in a student’s head throughout their schooling. While college is always looked at as admirable, college isn’t always the key to life for everyone. People enjoy hands on work, the financial crisis that follows college limits ones abilities, and the decrease of hourly wage for young male and…
The college years are amazing and a lot of things are there to do. The freedom and the individuality that college years raise in any persons life are important. But despite all of these features that make college years precious the are not in my opinion the best time that any person will have. If we compared the high school and the elementary school years to the college years I will favor the high and elementary schools years. The high school friends are the best and the brief time…
According to Nicole Allan and Derek Thompson “The cost of college has spiked 150 percent since 1995, compared with a 50 percent increase in the cost of the others goods and services”. Nowadays in our society going to college is not longer an option or a privilege, but rather a necessity. Most people believe that going to college is a reason to succeed in life because the more education a person gets, the better opportunities in finding a high wage job. For these reasons, college is the single…
aspect of committing to college is too high for the education your receiving. People even are saying going to college doesn’t necessarily result in a high paying career once you graduate. There are many people, and even high school graduates questioning if higher education is worth the investment in today 's world. On the other hand, authors such as Freeman Hrabowski and Sanford Unger argue that even though there are negatives in our American education system, college is still a smart…
College life today has changed immensely, between the addition of social media and social norms, the only traditional thing about college life that has always been constant, besides skipping class on Fridays, is the Greek system. The Greek system has been a classic emblem of college life. It is one of the biggest organizations world wide all over college campuses, and has been around since they established in 1776. As the Greek system evolved, so did the students in them; being a part of Greek…