Over the past 25 years of government service, I have witnessed the critical need for competent leadership at all levels of government. Over the next 25 years, it is my goal to provide that leadership as I pursue an appointment to the Army Senior Executive Service. A major objective in achieving my professional goal is obtaining a Masters of Business Administration Degree. Academic Degree Training will afford me the opportunity to achieve my objective in pursuit of my professional goal. It will prepare me to recognize and solve problems systematically and to make better business decisions. I will learn how to leverage technology in a global environment to create a competitive advantage while evaluating risks and developing plans to mitigate…
“Academic degrees are a lifetime honor. Once you have one, no one can take that away from you.” That’s what my father and several academic advisors told me as I contemplated seeking my undergraduate university degree several years ago. Yet some of America’s best colleges and universities are putting political correctness ahead of traditional academic policy by stripping the once-popular TV comedian Bill Cosby of his honorary degrees, in response to allegations that Cosby sexually assaulted…
in attendance. The University of the Southwest offers baccalaureate and master’s degrees entirely online via its USW Online platform. Bachelor’s degree options include business administration, while master’s degree offerings include sports management, mental health counseling, special education and TESOL curriculum and instruction.…
work hard, do well, and earn a college degree, then they will get a job. Many would argue that this philosophy helped the older generation be successful in their educational and post-educational careers, so it should not be changed; however, in the words of Ken Burns, “the problem is that the current system of education was designed…
What is university degree excellence is about? Is it about how much pointers we get? Or is it about the number of skills we have? It is much more than that. Based on Study Moose (2016): We often say that getting good marks is what academic excellence is what about, but none of it we go through the education process. From learning ABC in kindergarten we go…
Our backpacks. For many teenagers, they carry the necessary items to succeed in the academic world. They carry papers, they carry pencils, they carry the stress that many people place upon them to succeed. These are trying times for the class of 2016 and for all the incoming classes after them. While many of the students are excited for their imminent celebration of their young lives, many question what to do after High School. Society views college as the only means to achieve success and…
investigations to performing psychological autopsies. Below explains how to become a police psychologist. What are the Basic Academic Requirements? According to the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP), all psychology specializations require both basic and advanced requirements. First, the basic requirement for a psychology specialization is graduation from an American Psychological Association (APA) accredited doctoral degree program. Next, an internship and one to two years of…
More recent decades find a decided push for formal education like that of the U.S. Army’s Sergeants Major Academy founded in 1972. The Academy, boasting a world-class staff and academic faculty, provides college-level education to members of the Army, other service branches and international students earning a baccalaureate, masters or even doctoral degrees. Today’s military encourages enlistments to utilize an extensive education network of academic institutions called Servicemembers…
physicians determine the nest treatment for the patient. In addition, CLS collect samples and perform tests to analyze body fluids, tissues, and other substances e. Academic requirements: A baccalaureate degree and have completed an accredited clinical laboratory science or medial technology program. 2. Disaster Medical Specialist…
have additional experience to teach nursing classes at universities or training facilities. There are four different degrees you can earn in nursing. The first degree you can earn in nursing is an associate’s degree. An associate’s degree is a two-year nursing degree that is received at a community college or vocational institution. The associate’s degree is the minimum requirement to become a registered nurse it provides an overview of the nursing field to students. The second degree you…