Definition of Nursing Traditionally, nursing is defined as taking care of sick, injured and elder people who need help from others. According to Florence Nightingale note, nursing “What nursing has to do… is to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him” (Nightingale, 1859). Nightingale stated that nursing “ought to signify the proper use of fresh air, light, warmth, cleanliness, quiet, and the proper selection and administration of diet – all at the least expense of vital power to the patient.” She is indicating that nurses are proving a quality of life for client by providing the basic physiological needs to her clients. In addition, the American Nursing Association (ANA 2003) also states “nursing is protection, promotion,…
As the amount of emergencies and accidents that occur around the world inflates, the number of nurses that care for the patients seem to be diminishing. Is it the fact that they get overworked too much? Is it because job morale just isn’t there anymore? Or maybe it is due to the fact that some nurse don’t get the proper training they require to have a higher survival rate of patients? No matter what reasons there are, in order to be able to take care of the population there needs to be a great…
Nursing started out as a very different job, in the 19th-century women where employees only until marriage then decided to stay home and be homemakers. There was no such thing as nursing theory, and physicians were entirely responsible for patient care of which usually took place inside of the ill persons’ home. Nursing was work for the poor, lower class, and servants, middle class educated women were not nurses (University of Phoenix, 2016, week one lecture). That was all before Florence…
decrease the mortality rate by increasing sanitation and increasing the quality of care for the wounded soldiers. Since then, her work has changed the course of nursing. Today, nursing practice is advancing technologically and medically; nevertheless, hospitals are still facing adversities. The aging population, rising healthcare, and nursing shortages have impacted current healthcare professionals. Nursing shortages impact not only nurses but also patients. Research has shown that nursing…
According to Polit and Beck (2008), nursing research is a process purposely to improved knowledge regarding important issues to nursing profession which involves nursing education, practice, administration and informatics. Nursing research also encompasses a wide scope of scientific inquiry, including clinical research, health systems and outcomes research, and nursing education research (Miller, Ward and Young, 2010). Nieswiadomy (2012) also defined nursing research as the systematic, objective…
that moment this floor is not always tears of joy, and nurses must know how to attend to all aspects of human dignity and be confident in what they do even with the utmost knowledge, take a moment for a second opinion, because collaborating care improves the clients’ outcome. I learned about how evidence based teaching is extremely important during childbirth, due to the evolving new evidence that is presented to us from past nurses. Childbirth has changed in many ways from back in the day when…
introduction The nursing image and it’s portrayal in multimedia has been undervalued and falsified during last decades; but by many nursing community activities, it is achieving the right position in the eye of public as highly valuable and independent part of society. During last decades by significant increasing impact of multimedia on shaping the day to day mindset and behaviour of public in many areas of life and ongoing circumstances all around the world, the image of nursing in medical…
Evolution of nursing from a socio-economic stand point “In the context of health care, the idea of care has two principal meanings: (1) taking care of the sick person, which emphasizes the delivery of technical care, and (2) caring for or caring about the sick person, which suggests a virtue of devotion or concern for the other as a person. At times these two aspects of care have been united; at other times, they have been in conflict.” (Reich, 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 489-495). This point emphasizes…
In this discussion board post, I will be defining both research in nursing and evidence-based nursing. An example of each definition will be given, as well as, a sample research question and a sample clinical question. Finding solutions and answers to nursing questions or wonders by means of using the scientific process is the definition of research in nursing. Research in nursing is important to make sure patients are receiving the highest level of care possible. (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber,…
Nursing can be a rewarding and satisfying career choice. One of the many benefits of being a nurse is that there are a wide variety of categories & divisions of nursing to choose from such as, long term care nursing, pediatric nursing, critical care nursing and emergency care nursing to name a few, among many other specialty areas. Long Term Care Nursing specializes in caring for the elderly patient. Nurses that work in nursing homes often times are responsible for the total well-being of…