It is important to attain a college degree because it provides more benefits in the future. A college degree also provides better jobs and a higher salary. What does Delta College offer? Delta College offer certificates, an AA degree, and transfer services. They also offer many services to students, such as the Career Transfer Center and Disability Support Programs. Which academic major interests you the most? A psychology major interests me the most. A major that allows me to learn new things that I enjoy would interest me. Why are you interested in this major? I am interested in this major because I enjoy working with people and data. I like talking to people one on one and I also enjoy helping others. How long will you be in college to reach your goal? I would be in college until I receive a Master 's degree in order to reach my goal. A higher degree would benefit me with high pay and job opportunities. How often is it suggested for you to see a counselor? It is usually suggested to see a counselor at least once a semester. If more counseling is needed, a person can see a counselor as many times they would…
Choice of Academic Major: Are Traditional Stereotypes Obsolete?” by Charles D. Pringle, Philip B. Dubose and Michael D. Yankey, explores the effects of five major applicable personality traits when it comes to selecting a business commerce major. The article is based on a study of 899 students majoring in the field of business administration, who were asked to fill out a lengthy web survey of questions related to these five personality characteristics: conformity, achievement motivation,…
Discuss your reasons for pursuing the Major/Academic Program selected above? Engineering I want to endeavor on an educational path of engineering because I am fascinated by its concepts and applications. I want to learn everything I can because I believe knowledge is the most powerful attribution. Engineering encompasses a variety of subtopics that coalesce with creativity and critical thinking. I have always been captivated by the processes and systems that combine complexity to simple…
One of my major problems as a student at the University of Wisconsin is that my second semester grades drop off from those which I received first semester. Every year I am able to post good grades my first semester, and do to some factors, I have not been able to repeat those grades during the second semester. Going abroad will keep me motivated throughout the second semester so I will be able to have a greater chance of repeating those first semester grades. I say this, first off because I…
My academic major choice is nursing.I want to major in nursing, to be able to help others, By becoming a traveling nurse. While earning my degree I want to receive hands-on learning, with scenarios that mimic real life. These real life situations will prepare me for the workplace and I can use the skills I learned to give patients the best care possible. As a nursing major I will gain the knowledge I need in order to become a traveling nurse. After I earn my degree, I will take the NCLEX-RN…
During my educational career I was a participant in program called The College Crusades of Rhode Island. The College Crusades of Rhode Island is a college readiness program. Since the third grade I toured several colleges, learned how apply for college, studied good academic writing, was educated on financial welfare and had many classes on understanding how to choose your career. When it came to choosing my own career my view was stuck between what is practical and what do I love? I had a flare…
institution and the right degree major would enable me to meet my goals. Thus, explaining the need for me to pursue pre-pharmacy biology at the University of Charleston. The major’s significance is to enable me to gain apt knowledge and skills in the field, and along with my passion for it, I can exercise proper service provision within my environment. Considering that University of Charleston’s is based on three principles; which are productive work, community involvement, and enlightened…
Major incongruence may occur for several reasons. First, students might choose their major before they have sufficient knowledge and research to back up their pick about available majors. It is also a great idea to search what careers are aligned with which major, and in this case, not many students do the research. Going on from this, students often are required to early to choose their career path. Talk of picking a major can be heard as early as high school level in South Korea or even before…
public relations class really inspired me and gave me a different perspective on my life and what I 'm doing with it. What really caught my attention was how he talked about how Coe is a business and how that it’s preparing us for the rest of our lives. I have had some doubts about Coe this year, but him coming and speaking to us about how well Coe prepares you for the future and all the amazing opportunities Coe has really made me come to a conclusion that Coe is the right place for me. I loved…
the glory of God.” (ESV) Viewing our actions as purposeful and meaningful denotes a deeper commitment to At Biola University, students within every major strive to exemplify the lifestyle this verse describes, making their area of study their form of worship. However, one subculture specifically envelops a group of students whose academic focus dovetails with their faith in a unique way, allowing all of their efforts towards success in school to directly bring glory to God’s name. While an…