spent some time in McGill University in Montreal in that year since his supervisor was working there. In 1925 Cox was awarded his doctorate for his thesis Polynomial solutions of difference equations. Williams felt that since Cox was the first person of his race in the world to be awarded a doctorate in mathematics it was necessary for him to have the recognition by a university outside the United States. Universities in England and Germany refused to consider his doctoral thesis but the Imperial University in Sandai, Japan, accepted it. Carey writes. His accomplishment helped to make it possible for other black mathematicians, such as Dudley Welcon Woodard, William Waldron Shiefflin Claytor, Marjorie Lee Browne, Evelyn Boyd Granville and David Blackwell, to receive their doctorates from American universities. The authors illustrate the difficulties that Cox had to endure to obtain his doctorate. In particular they point out that America produced a total of only 28 Ph.D.'s in mathematics in 1925 (one of whom was Cox), while this was the era of the Ku Klux Klan with 31 African-Americans being murdered by lynching in 1926. After receiving his doctorate Cox was appointed as professor of physics at West Virginia State College. This was a College for colored students and was very poorly funded. Cox was only the second faculty member to hold a doctorate and he set about trying to raise the level of the College which did not even possess a science library. On 14 September 1927 Cox…
Great deals of professional paleontologist are now becoming university professors found in the geology department. Being a paleontology professor is an exhilarating and fulfilling career but requires an extraordinary amount of time, effort and hard work. According to insidejobs.com twenty one percent of paleontology professors earn a masters degree at minimum, while seventy nine percent take the extra step and work towards a doctorate degree. It takes about five to seven long, studious years to…
go to graduate school, but the percentage of Latinos who do is especially low (Fry 2004). Though many initiatives implemented in high schools as well as colleges for Latino students, very few still are receiving a bachelor’s degree and then pursuing further education may it be through the medical school or graduate school (Fry 2004). With the increasing demand of higher and higher levels of education to make an income (bachelor’s degrees are sometimes nice enough and present day Stable career),…
At the moment I am focusing on finishing my Master of Science in psychology; for this I am studying full time. I anticipate (if all goes well) its completion in one year. Soon after that, I like to start a career in psychological research, strongly considering the federal government. Along with doing this, during my free time or vacations, I would like to offer motivational speeches to disadvantageous students and/or minorities populations. Once my youngest son is in high school I would like to…
provide me with an indebt knowledge and research opportunities at a graduate level; but it will also serve as a foundation for a career in the academic field of religion. An academic career would allow me to continue my journey of lifelong psychological research and contributions to religion as it relates to the millennial culture. Attaining a Ph.D. in Religion would allow me to embark in my desired opportunity to teach, advocate, and counsel others while expanding my knowledge base and…
govern all in society, allowing those within to exist together on equal terms (Kuther & Morgan, 2012, p. 52). Forensic psychology is a sub-section of psychology subject unlike criminal profiling in that it deals with mental health aspects of a perpetrator rather than a technique investigators used to narrow the scope of the characteristics of a potential perpetrator. Forensic psychologists are usually trained in clinical psychology, and to work within the legal framework of law enforcement. They…
even community colleges offer them to. Its just a matter of where students decide to go. To graduate with a Bachelor’s or a Masters degree in Software Engineering, three of the many programming languages will be required. C++, C#, and JAVA, these are the most common languages employers use, but there are more certifications students can be certified in to be better off in the career world. Such as SQL, Python, IOS, and Ruby/Rails. The more students are certified in the better they will stand out…
My goal for pursuing a Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership is to increase my knowledge of research and theory methods as it relates to education. I especially want to perfect my research skills as I feel that the significance of gaining research expertise is vital to becoming an enduring learner as I get ready for a career in Education. I realize the significance of this degree for gaining credibility with my future associates and individuals that I will be serving in this field. I grew…
Podiatrists. Among that list is also Dentist, which I previously stated that more than half of the people surveyed felt that they were not a doctor. Following with the orgin of a doctor, there are many "learned persons" that are in fact unable to provide any type of medical care for a person. Instead these types of doctors earn their titles in another fashion. The degrees include Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Law, Doctor of Literature, and other educational areas. Many argue that the title of…
within and around our profession. Again, while we do all have memberships with the AOTA, I do not feel that I would have found and learned about these issues myself. In addition to some of my own laziness, I think that a huge factor that kept me from wanting to learn about these issues on my own would be that I did not really know where to start. Now, not only do I know where to start to continue my inquiry in this area, I have a foundation of this knowledge. This foundation includes, not only…