1970s American television series

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    Music is an ever evolving idea that every person has the ability to change, the question is, will you? We had the privilege to sit down and talk with Billy Changer, a new aged musician with a vision for future. Get ready world, as a wise man once said,"we're going to Billy Change you." Being exposed to some of the greats, such as The Rolling Stones and Hawkwind, at a very young age, Billy's musical inspirations started early. "My dad has been a rocker all his life, I thank him for showing me good psychedelic music when I was young." Billy opens up to us, saying that even though his dad wasn't perfect in a sense, he did have a huge impact on his interest in music. "My parents did want me to play, they put me in guitar lessons at the community center, and that's kind of how I got started."Read more... However, he wouldn't stop there, Billy goes on to tell us about how he got into song writing and recording his own music. "There was a point where I got kind of bored just playing guitar. I remember seeing this add in a magazine, it was called a BR8 machine, and it was like, one of the first digital recorders. I loved it, I loved that you could record multiple tracks off yourself and just build off it... That was kind of the beginning of the power of writing a song, it wasn't even writing for me, it was showing people, I always had a hard time showing people." Sharing your own music is sort of like bearing your soul to another person, or hundreds of people, it's personal ans…

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    Annie: Heathcliff, short, long hair, wears earring Bernard: Sherlock, tall, long hair, wears earring Carolyn: Romeo, medium, short hair, wears earring Daniel: Harry, short, long hair, doesn’t wear earring Since we know each person can be right about only 1 thing, we need to cross out similarities. Starting with Daniel, we know he has to be right about the character not wearing earrings, because he is the only student that had a different answer for that category, and the other 3 students can’t…

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    quickly as possible.” (Rodriguez 347). Rodriguez read for pleasure and the desire of knowledge; he wanted to be like his educators. Rodriguez remembered how eager he was to share his knowledge with his parents. In the second grade, Rodriguez recall he made a spectacle of correcting his parents grammatical errors and was displeased when he wasn’t able to receive help with his homework from his parents. (Rodriguez 339). Rodriguez stated he was embarrass by his parents and the fact they did not…

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  • Improved Essays

    Therefore, never actually letting us escape due to the convergence of the digital and real world. Media in general has often been an outlet for people to escape their responsibilities for simple and entertaining distractions. However, just as the world of video games has become more labor filled, our television entertainment has become more news filled. Overall, the media has been changed to convince the viewer that the message is specifically more fun in this setting, when really it is simply…

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    If you were an American over the summer of 2016 you most likely heard of Pokemon GO. I remember being excited for it since September 2015. And when I was on Santa Monica Pier on July 6th when the game came out I couldn't wait to play it. I downloaded it and I learned that night that the game had over 10 million downloads in its first day on the app store. And everyone was hunting for one objective that summer, one goal, to catch them all. I started right then and there and I knew one day I was…

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  • Improved Essays

    Written Summary of Self-propelled particles that transport cargo through flowing blood and halt hemorrhage In the summer of 2005 my uncle punctured his femoral artery while on a biking trip. He was biking around a corner at a high speed and crashed over a fallen tree on the road. He landed on a piece of broken glass which cut through his thigh and perforated his femoral artery. Although bystanders wrapped his leg in gauze he bled out on the scene waiting for an ambulance to arrive. This…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The idea “everyone gets prizes” in children sports, detracts from the purpose of sports. Many people believe children’s sports shouldn’t pass out medals for only participating within the sport, but they should be rewarded for their efforts and have one trophy that the champions of the league should receive. First off, participation medals eliminate the spirit of competition, secondly it takes away the purpose of playing a sport and it builds children to grow up without different teachings,…

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    As Chance secured the buggy, he watched Kat spread a blanket on the ground. She sat down, pressing her blue calico dress next to her ankles. Perhaps the mild April air reminded him of home, but somehow her simple action took him a lifetime away, to another woman, to another time, to memories he’d always hold dear to his heart. Thoughts of his own wife made him wonder how Jake had ever let Kat get away. The last two months had passed in a flurry. He had to admit, getting to know Kat and Abby made…

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    It was 2014 state was right around the corner. This was our second to last tournament of the year, it was a local tournament in Kimberly Wisconsin. This year we had a good year, we won quite often and we qualified for a lot of nationals but waking up that morning was different. This tournament weekend will forever remain in my mind. I woke on Friday morning. The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping. Such a beautiful day for softball. I did not suspect what we would be in for. None of…

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  • Improved Essays

    No matter if they gave it their all or simply sat and watched,every kid is getting a trophy. Is there such thing as winning or losing anymore? In today sports kids are given trophies for participation the idea is that everyone wins. Taking away the true meaning of what winning really means. When you get a trophy it feels good because you worked hard for what you did. “When awards are handed out like candy to every child who participates, they diminish in value”. (Betty Berdan) Everyone gets…

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