Differences between Human Hairs and Animal Hairs Once determining that the fibrous evidence is a hair, our next step is on how to distinguish the feature differences between a human hair and an animal hair as shown in Table 8 (Sapp, 2004). (33 words) Animal Hair Coronal Spinous Human Hair Imbricate Table 8. Feature Differences between Human Hair and Animal Hair (Sapp, 2004) (Tim Zietz, 2013). From the morphological structural point of view as illustrated in Table 8, we can easily observe the cuticle of human hair has an imbricate scale pattern, whereas the cuticle of animal hairs may have a scale pattern of coronal (e.g. mouse), spinous (e.g. cat) or imbricate (e.g. dog) (Tim Zietz, 2013). (48 + 10 =58 words) Besides scale patterns, differences between human hair and animal hairs can be further differentiate using medullary index (MI) as stated in equation 1, where human hair has a medullary index of less than 1/3 while animal hair has a medullary index of more than 1/2 (Tim Zietz, 2013). (45words) Medullary Index = (Diameter of Medulla)/(Diameter of Hair) --------- (1) (8 words) DNA Analysis of Hairs Once the hair is recovered using tape lifting or…
Hair-Story Like most African American I was forced to come to terms with the reality and the importance of hair. I remember the first time my mother hot combed my hair. “Hold still girl”, she said as she ran the hot comb through my thick hair. After my mother pressed my hair, I noticed a dramatic difference in texture of my hair, it was long and shiny like the girls in the magazines or on television. Thanks to Madam C J Walker my hair looked beautiful and straight. Although many African…
plans for tomorrow? If it's one of those days where you have nothing to do and you need to look good the next day, here is a new way to curl your hair without using heat. Did you know that using heat is really the reason for how you get split ends? This is great to do, it looks really good on hair and it is way better than using heat on hair. Before getting the chance to try this style on hair they must have hair longer than shoulder length, it also needs to be brush, there are two fingers that…
Set7: buy hair extensions online buy hair extensions uk Online market has really made your task of buy anything simpler. You can easily shop online and can get the desired thing at your doorstep. At present the online market has become so vast that you can buy anything from a small pin to a huge car. Ladies love to shop anything they like at the time of surfing. Hair extensions are very much in demand by the ladies because they add an extra grace to their looks. Their hair look more beautiful…
Most of the people fond of brazilian hair to have Brazilian hair is the natural human hair loved by lots of people. It’s important specialty is that this hair does not go via any chemical processing and its silky, light in texture and lustrous making this as the most famous among all hair extension on the market today. A glossy natural look allows this Brazilian hair look good on all types of head. People can choose color that matches to their color or according to their preference. The main…
Exploring the factors affecting hair regeneration after a wound in primates Hair follicle formation and development normally takes place during fetal development. However, after a wound hair follicle formation and regeneration can still occur in mouse and rabbits (Ito et al., 2007). The way the skin responds to a wound differs between mammals. Humans for example respond to deep skin wound by blocking the hair formation and instead it forms a scar (Reynolds et al., 1999). On the other hand,…
comb to straighten their kinky hair with excessive heat or lye to chemically straighten it. Women wore their hair straight because it emulated the hair of white women and was considered the only acceptable way to wear their hair. It wasn’t until the 1960s women began embracing their natural curl again, at that time most natural women wore afros. Alas, the natural hair movement died down again and women chemically straightened their hair up until the mid-2000s. Around 2010, women revisited…
and impractical such as women shaving all their unwanted hair, where men are encouraged to not shave theirs. Everywhere a woman looks there is a reminder or advertisement for hair removal and all the different options for it. The United States has only had a few occasions when women speak out against not shaving. Hair removal is a vital contributor for women to be seen as beautiful. Today’s society has an unrealistic expectation for all women to shave everything in order to be desirable and fit…
I love doing hair so when I was trying to figure out what to pick I finally picked hair. Hair is a very broad category. There’s coloring, cutting, styling and more. I mainly focused on coloring and different way to style hair. Coloring your hair or someone else's can be a challenge and frustrating if you mess up or it doesn’t turn out how you thought it would. But it’s also really fun and exciting. I’ve never actually colored my own hair before. Unless you count attempting to remove the…
Get your pretty on for less Hair is often seen as an indicator of our identity. It is the one of the most controllable and tangible aspect of our physical features. Some women believe that having a bad hair day is simply equal to having a bad day. This guide is designed for women with coarse curly hair on a budget. Safety Information These instructions are easy to follow. However, there is a risk of puncture wounds due to the use of sharp object. It is best to carry sharp objects with the sharp…