when you hear the word cosmetics? It certainly isn’t in your everyday discussion, but still; does makeup come to mind? Or hair and skin care? Maybe nothing comes to mind at all. However, cosmetics are everywhere! Cosmetics include products we socialize in our everyday routines allowing us to maintain our hygiene and keep our skin and hair properly moisturized for a picture perfect appearance. But why not get deeper? Who are the masterminds behind these divine creations? What knowledge shall I obtain? What do I have to do in order to be where they are right now, and how long will it take? I’m not looking for a short-term job, I’m looking for a career with ambition and long-term benefits. Well first, what are cosmetics? Cosmetics, commonly known as makeup, have a wide spectrum of products…
evidence of carcinogenicity” and some preservatives frequently used in cosmetics are known to release formaldehyde into the body (Overall). Parabens are another family of chemicals often used as preservatives in cosmetics that mimic estrogen and have been linked to endocrine disruption (Boberg). The vague “fragrance” is commonly found on ingredient lists for cosmetics, and the term is used to signify a mix of chemicals that do not have to be disclosed because they’re…
Blaire Beavers Position Paper The cosmetics industry has been dominated by females since its creation; this also means it’s been dominated by idealized women. If you pick up a weekly advertisement for Sephora, odds are you’re going to see a very pale, very skinny, young woman on the front. While in Jean Kilbourne’s Killing Us Softly film series show how women are portrayed negatively in the media and its effect on the everyday women, I believe the makeup industry may be on leading the way to…
The Food and Drugs Act defines a cosmetic as “any substance or mixture of substances for use in cleaning, improving or altering the complexion, skin, hair or teeth”, which includes both beauty products and grooming aids, such as soap, shampoo, cream and deodorant (Health Canada, “Cosmetics Legislation”). This means that cosmetics are something that we all use and come in contact with our bodies every single day. For this reason, it is important that we are aware of the ingredients in these…
has been an obsession among every culture. Make-up and cosmetics have been found from ancient eye shadow pallets to written documents on formulas for face powder. The two articles written by Oumeish and Parish and Crissey jump into the joy of the history of cosmetics and spread the joy to the readers. Both well researched articles give countless fascinating historical accounts of cosmetics that take the reader on a time machine of beauty. While there is a light hearted and fun side of make-up,…
Organizing Your Cosmetics Do you find your cosmetics in a chaotic mess? How about your makeup bag, can you easily find what you are looking for when you need to touch up your lips? If not, then you might want to read this article to help organize your makeup. One of the first things you will want to do is to find someplace to collect all of your makeup on, preferably a flat surface with a lot of room. Gather all your items, even the ones you don 't use much of anymore, and get ready to divide…
brand loyalty for an item, this requires careful planning, particular abilities and investment. Making an item known in market and getting it registered in client 's mind is not an over night journey, it is a long process. It requires an investment for a brand to be popular among a positive group of clients and It has been found in a large portion of surveys, that a significant share of shopper items is consisted of cosmetic or beauty items, no single individual is denied of consuming such…
Tens of thousands of animals are tested on for the cosmetic industry every year. (Pro-Con) However, this cannot be accurate due to some animals not being protected -therefore unaccounted for in these numbers- by law: “95% of animals used in experiments are not protected by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA)” (Hastings Center) . The reasons vary for this; one of the most common excuses is for the benefit of humans who should be kept safe from faulty products. Such products range from medical to…
choose is a cosmetics shop. It is a retailer that provides beauty products as well as considerate customer service. I have been to the cosmetics shop for several times and I enjoy the shopping experience there. Before I learnt knowledge about discourses, I just focused on their products and service. This time, I paid much attention to their vocabulary, behaviors, and dress-code when I observed the shop and the employees and I found that it was a unique discourse which was different from…
Simon Mainwaring advised “The keys to brand success are self-definition, transparency, authenticity, and accountability.” (Mainwaring, n.d.). What causes a consumer to be loyal to a product? The reasons are as varied as the people one would ask. However, using Almay Cosmetics as an example on how the company brands and packages its products will be reviewed. Then, discussing how effective the branding and packaging of Almay’s products is. Lastly, a comparison to similar products will be made…