The last two months had passed in a flurry. He had to admit, getting to know Kat and Abby made him happier than he’d ever imagined. They’d shared many wonderful hours strolling along the decks of the paddle-wheeled steamboats to taking horseback rides in the country. On several of those rides, he’d set up old bottles to shoot and gave Kat pointers …show more content…
“He’s resting. Would you like to go in?” “Of course.” A strangling fear threatened to consume her as she followed him into the elegant room. Chance’s vibrant body had withered in the last hour, for now as he lay in a four-poster bed, he’d become frail and aged.
He tried to raise the palm of his hand. “Kat, come sit with me.” One glance at the dark circles under his eyes was enough to bring her to tears. She raced to his bed and tucked the blankets against him like a cocoon. She caught his weak hand in hers, and his fingers were cold to the touch.
“Thank you, darlin’ . . . Now, this here person has lived a lot of years . . . and I’m prepared to meet my maker with a clear conscience anytime.” His breathing labored. “You have a ranch to run, and Abby and I need you. We love you.” “Honey, you became the shining star in my life these past few weeks. Yes sir, St. Louis is a great place . . . you go on home. Tomorrow is a new day.” Kat shook her head in protest. “I can’t leave …show more content…
I want you to go home to Abby . . . tell her . . . I miss her. Come back in the mornin' when I’m better. You go on now and tell the Doctor I asked to speak with him.” Tears trickled down her cheeks and she swallowed hard, tucking his hand under the blankets. Her voice cracked when she answered. “Rest. I’ll be here early.” She kissed his weathered forehead and stepped away to do as he asked.
Long after Kat left, a visitor came to see Chance. Clinton Jessup read aloud the last will and testament of Lucky Chance Davenport. Chance nodded his consent and signed his full name for the last time.
The doctor had summoned the attorney at the patient’s insistence. Without a doubt, the ailing man lingered near death.
“Should I send for your grandson, sir?”
“No, he wouldn’t get here in time. I’m sure Kat will see to me.” Clinton bowed slightly. “I’ll take care of this at once, Mr. Davenport. Please let me know if there are any other requirements, sir.” With the document in hand, he departed from the room. In hindsight, Chance was glad he didn’t tell Kat about Jake. She’d understand soon enough. He regretted his scheme to unite Jake and Angela and he wished he’d never sent that damn telegram. Well, Jake was in for a shock. Kat needed him. Besides, he knew all along that Angela would never make Jake