Thursday 5th June 2007 was a very lovely day .Everything was perfect and nothing was wrong. I was sitting with my family in our house in Murair Al Mutarish. It is a small village located in the far north coast of Oman in Shinas state . We were watching T.V like any other day, when we heard the news bulletin. While crossing the coast, cyclone Gonu cause a lot of damage and fatalities. Before passing the Sultanate's northeastern coastline, it began affecting the country with strong winds and heavy rain. Streets and buildings flooded because of the strong waves and heavy rainfall. Let me leave you with these pictures from Muscat. We were shocked. Everything was destroyed houses, roads, and even trees were uprooted. It seemed to us like another…
Growing up his parents were not the wealthiest, the only side acception they would make, would be whichever book he would want. In addition, he suffered many health problems as a child; a full body blood transfusion, and a collapsed lung, with the assistance of an incubator. As he grew older, he suffered through bipolar disorder and at one point considered suicide. Despite these disadvantages, he pushed through writing a book called, “The 4-Hour Workweek”, however, before he had a chance to get…
Decisions are made on a daily basis. These decisions can range from simple to much more difficult, and may include: whether or not to have coffee in the morning, what car to buy, or asking someone to marry you. Decisions are one thing you can’t escape from in this life. I have made some really good and really bad decisions in my life. One choice that sticks out in my mind was the night I snuck out of my house when I was a freshman in high school. This decision changed my life drastically. When I…
I took me five years to realize what an extraordinary influence he has been in my life. When I felt like disappearing, seeing him made me want me to be found. He is my best friend. Growing up with him has made me the person I am today. He is the most hilariously awkward handsome man I have ever had the honor of meeting. At first sight, you would say that his clothes are classy and formal. However; if you knew him as well as I do, you would notice that he dresses up in all types of clothes. All…
But I better not get in any trouble for this.” The golden gates of heaven creaked open and they set out, their wings unfurling and preparing to allow them to descend. Now, if you remember, an angel’s wings are unique unto only them, and Lucifer’s wings came as quite the shock for Hadraniel. Where Hadraniel’s wings were a deep dark blue and splashed with an intensely vibrant red-orange color at the tips, Lucifer’s wings were pitch black with one single lonely pure white feather at the end of his…
Growing up as a kid I never really enjoyed reading and writing. It was and probably will always be my least favorite subject, nothing against you my lovely English professor, but I just don’t enjoy it. The only time I really enjoyed reading as a child was when I got my first leap pad and I eventually destroyed it and it was probably within 2 weeks of getting it, so I wasn’t interested for long. I don’t have much memory as a kid with reading and writing at home, because my parents never really…
Teenagers everywhere have problems in the everyday lives and most of the time they do not know how to handle it. In “Life Strategies for Teens” Jay McGraw explains the ten life laws in a way that teenagers can understand and comprehend. By reading this book young adults benefit and learn how to better their lives in a positive way. Teens can benefit greatly by reading this book, but it may give kids ways to get out of problems faster by learning how to manipulate the system. The Life Laws are…
I’m one of the lucky ones. At least that’s what mother always used to tell me. I wonder what she would say now. Father had a different view on things. He demanded that I never leave the house and that the world know nothing of my existence. I didn’t sneak out of the house till age 13. Who knew that 3 years later I would be on my own? What about your wonderful loving parents, you ask? They’re gone now. “Executed for crimes against The City”. Drifting in the ashes that surround this hellhole I…
“The destination is on our right in two hundred ten feet,” I directed. We had entered San Francisco around one in the afternoon. It was a bright city, bustling along in traffic to get to the various establishments set up. I held fond memories of the city from back in the 1910s of women walking in modest dresses and large hats with their dapper husbands on the streets, sometimes with a few rambunctious children. The people were happy and content in their lives, not realizing the First World War…
Ten Steps to Understanding Who You Really Are… 1. When you hear your name called, do you normally feel good that someone is calling you or are you concerned, and think to yourself, “What do they want now?” 2. What do most people say about your appearance? Is it, you always look so nice, or you look nice today. 3. Who do you think you most resemble? Who do some people say you remind them of? Who do you want to be associated with, and why? 4. What type of books do you read, if any? What…