The basis of decision-making can be understood by studying the cognitive heuristics that accompany mental processing, thought, and ability to assess a situation. However, how can we examine the effects of decision-making when we skip the analyzing process – rather, how can we judge the effectiveness of following our gut in quick decisions? “Heuristics is the unconscious, or quick decisions that humans make due to integrated social norms, or mental short-cuts” (Pearl, Judea, 1983, p. 48). The use of heuristics in decision-making is often regarded as the foolish or quick decisions caused by the lack of full analysis before action. While there is an undeniable need for mental processing in any decision, psychologists question the accuracy of our…
One could argue that the answer depends on the person making the decision as well as the decision being made. However, in discussing ethical decision-making, much consideration is placed on the decision-making process rather than the decision. Consider our readings and case studies on ethical decision-making frameworks i.e. consequentialist versus non-consequentialist theories. According to Michael Roberto’s article, “Why making the decisions the right way is more important than making the right…
peers and ask them for feedback. The process of stating and defending what your solution is, in my mind, probably the most important thing you can do when finding a resolution. Just the act of supporting your decisions and talking them through shows that you believe in yourself. Also though, if you ask someone for feedback its because you trust them, so don’t discredit what they have to say about your process. Often times an end result of collaborating both thought processes gives you a more…
Irrational decision making is defined as the process of reaching a decision that is deprived of reason under normal circumstances. On the other hand, unethical decision making is the process of making a decision and ignoring the moral implications of the given course of action. The four common patterns of irrational or unethical decision making that are generally accepted by psychologists are deciding to behave in ways that undermine our welfare, deciding not to engage in activities that…
Distortions in Decision Making Introduction Decision-making’s the cognitive process resulting in the selection of a course of action from alternative possibilities. It’s the study of identifying & choosing alternatives based on the values & preferences of the decision maker. It is the central activity of management & is a huge part of any process of implementation, ( This essay talks about decision making in financial terms. Distortions in making decisions lead us to make…
How do I know if my decision is right? This question often comes to my head whenever I make important decisions. What if I make a wrong decision? How will it affect me and people around me? After that, usually comes a mini panic attack and I won’t be able to concentrate anymore. Overthinking used to be my bad habit back in my high school days. However now, whenever I have the slightest idea about the righteousness of my decision, I will just simply remind myself about my perception of what is…
The logical thinking, chance taking, and rational of Santiago and the people he encounters on his journey teaches the audience the importance of decision making. Although some decisions can turn out to be a regretful one; mainly they are for the better allowing more success in life. Some life changing for better decisions is the one Santiago makes with the gypsy women about the charge for her services along with the dispute with the crystal merchant about building the display. These are just a…
Three introduces some of the ethical principle and issues that will be a foundational part of professional practice; ethical decision making will be of importance throughout the professional life of a therapist. Most people think of ethics as a list of rules and prohibitions that results in sanctions and malpractice actions if practitioners do not follow them. There are three different types of ethics: mandatory, aspirational, and positive. Mandatory ethics involves a level of ethical…
III. Decision-making Style During our classes, the professor did an excellent job supplementing the class with some material that was not necessary in our reading material, and one of these material was helping the class to understand our own culture and sub-culture. In the case of this student, understanding that my culture consisted of being a Christian, Brazilian, and a male help me to understand my decision-making style. And when a group of people meet to work together, their personal…
To what extent to our concepts shape our conclusions? “Informed decision making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results.” Whilst Scott Adams maybe correct, there are many factors that play a role in not only the decisions you make but also the conclusions you arrive to. There are many different ways to process thinking, for example one can play by the rules or one can do what they feel is best for them, one can also do what is best for the greater…