Installment loans are designed to be paid back over the course of several months instead of immediately. Many people decide to get an installment loan if they know they need to borrow a lot of money and need more time paying it back. If you are thinking about getting an installment loan, then there are several things that you will need to know. What You Need To Know About Installment Loans There Are A Few Requirements That Must Be Met You must be at least 18-years-old to apply for an installment loan. You must also have a checking account, social security number and a steady source of income. Once you are approved for the loan, the funds will be directly deposited into your account. You Do Not Need A Job To Get An Installment Loan Contrary…
and the other things that are necessary for life's demands. Creating a payday loan system companies such as: Cash Net USA, Advance America and Check City have seemingly exploited of the lower and middle class American people by taking advantage of their lack of funds. Is the way that payday loan companies go about their methods of “helping” the American people morally problematic? Throughout this response I will give my personal opinion on the matter but also offer…
If you are like most Americans, you have left school with thousands of dollars in student loans (the average is about $20,000 for a four-year undergrad degree). If you have gone through graduate school, you may owe tens of thousands of dollars on your student loans. It can be discouraging to finish school, look around, and realize that you owe as much for you education as a house would cost. And to make matters worse, often those federal loans are a mix of subsidized and unsubsidized loans.…
You probably heard the terms secured loan and unsecured loans and wondered what exactly is the difference between these two types of loans? You probably ask yourself, which is the best one to choose when shopping for a loan. If this sounds like you, here are some tips to help you understand the difference between these two loans. Secured loans have an asset or some sort of collateral attach to the loan such as a car or home that you own. The financial institution that you use to acquire the…
people must take on a debt of some type to cover the expense. Although credit cards are popular for such emergency expenditures, an installment loan can be a better option. Why Installment Loans Are Viable Alternatives to Credit Cards Credit cards are a type of revolving credit. The issuer assigns a credit limit to your account, and you can make purchases up to that limit. Your account balance…
by getting a payday loan. However, before you sign on the dotted line for a payday loan, make sure you know what you are getting into. Payday Loans Are Not For Everyday Expenses The first thing you need to keep in mind is that payday loans should not be used for everyday expenses. You shouldn’t use a payday loan to get that pair of shoes that you will not have the money to buy for another pay period or two. Payday loans should be used be used to pay off emergency expenses that cannot be…
quite expensive. That is why many people turn to small business loans. There is a lot of misinformation about small business loans. Below is a list of some of the myths about small business loans: Myth: A Bank Is The Only Option For Getting A Small Business Loan Fact: Banks and credit unions provide the majority of small business loans. However, there are a number of alternative funding sources. In many cases, people who are unable to get approved for a business loan with a bank or credit…
The U.S. student loan debt is a surging issue for young Americans. Striving for a post-secondary education will offer better job opportunities, although the financial responsibility of paying for the degree can weigh heavily on individuals with little to no income. Aid is provided to benefit students who need financial support via grants, scholarships, and loans. Focusing on loans, a student is offered government institutional loans based off of Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Every year…
I graduated from law school in 2011 with $206k in student loan debt. Since then, I’ve paid down my debt to $131k. While it is still a work in progress, there is so much that I have learned over the last few years. If you are like me and have student loans, then there will come a time when those loans will come due. Whether you are just graduating college or whether you are a few years out and you are just getting around to it, getting organized and planning for repayment are the first steps in…
Pay your auto loan faster with extra principal-only payments. Paying extra on your auto loan can save you money as long as the lender applies the payment to the principal of the loan. To make sure this occurs, you should always send a note with the payment telling the lender to put the payment toward the principal and not next month's payment. If you pay down the principal, the interest you pay decreases each month, so more of your regular payment goes toward the principal, as does the extra…