Declaration of Sentiments

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    Before women declared that it was their right to choose, before Virginia Woolf stated that women needed “A room of their own” in order to find intellectual fulfillment, and long before Votes for Women was chanted, there was The Declaration of Sentiments written in 1848. The first turning point for women’s rights in the United States; for it brought to the nation’s collective conscience the plight of womenkind. Applying the Sentiments’ words—and therefore the ideas of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and Susan B. Anthony—presents itself today as something wholly original, an idea, written in the guise of the Declaration of Independence, in order to mock and resolve the plight of women. Yet it is still said today, women are not fully represented,…

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    Feminist writers thorough history have struggled to have a voice. Elizabeth Cody Stanton and Virginia Woolf both agree that women have experienced a lack of opportunity and representation. These pioneers of equal rights share their grievances in the way women were treated. Two issues that they share concern of are a woman’s right to education and the control their husbands have over their personal decisions. Stanton was a voice for women during a time in which they did not have the same…

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    supposed to be the one who in charge every things. The role of the a man in this society was the person who work and have absolute control over women, while women only need to stay home and taking care of the housework and their children. This create a discrimination and inequality between genders among the American people. Because of this problem, women were trying to protest the government and call for female suffrage. They wants to proclaim their rights and equality. So they formed a…

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  • Improved Essays

    There is a start for everything. Whether it was a negative or positive way it was always a start. When Elizabeth Cady first wrote the Declaration of Sentiment it gave people a whole new understanding of the disadvantages women were having. When Franklin D. Roosevelt made the Pearl Harbour Speech, it gave those who were oblivious an insight of the tragedy. These speeches were made to declare information and or statements that need to be said to help the cause that they were currently stuck in.…

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  • Improved Essays

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are created equal” (Elizabeth Stanton 295). This quote was given in a speech called “Declaration of Sentiments” by a woman who fought for women’s rights. The quote relates to the speech given by Frederick Douglass who fought for the rights of black people. In his speech “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July” and in Elizabeth Stanton’s speech that fought for women's rights, although fighting for different groups, equality was…

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  • Improved Essays

    “The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is a speech by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the purpose of which, was to bring light to the unfair treatment of women, domestically, politically, and socially, as well as to entice both men and women to join the woman’s equal rights movement. In order for the speech to be a success in a male-dominated society Stanton modeled it after the Declaration of Independence, by likening the oppression and mistreatment of women under men, to the oppression and…

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  • Improved Essays

    The “Declaration of Sentiments” was, “Stanton’s indictment of the relations between men and women in her society” and claimed,” That all men and women are created equal” (Kerber, Dayton, and Hart 264). Stanton’s address was making a case that women were also human and were entitled to the same natural rights that only men were privileged with. Women in this generation were underprivileged in comparison to men; women, “had no voice in the making of laws, she was deprived of other rights of…

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  • Improved Essays

    Critique can be seen throughout numerous readings that were read and discussed this semester. Women have critiqued other women and they have critiqued men and the patriarchic society. These themes may especially be seen in “The Declaration of Sentiments”, “Halving the Double Day”, and a chapter from Women, Race and Class. “The Declaration of Sentiments” was written primarily by Elizabeth Stanton during the first major women’s convention in Seneca Falls. This convention was conducted to discuss…

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  • Superior Essays

    Equality is something every human wants but cannot get. In America, every born citizen is born with natural rights and is equal. Citizens know that they have natural rights and are born equal due to The Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson is a document proclaiming independence from Great Britain due to the many oppression experiences the American colonists felt. It is supposed to be a national archive that provides equality to every American. Written…

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    the rights to the land In the Declaration of Sentiments, Elizabeth Stanton explains how all people have equal rights. Puritans came to America to escape the Church of England because the thought it was unfair and corrupt. They came to America to purify The Church and express their new clarified religion. the native americans were the first to inhabit America. what gave the puritans the right to claim the land?should the people who were first have the right to claim the land? The natives have…

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