Lip piercing

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    The brown haired man moved back a few feet from the couch, turning to lean against the armrest of the seat, looking down at Yoongi. Releasing a stifled yawn, Yoongi was met with a stinging pain in his lip and cheek as he moved his facial muscles. Wincing, he raised a hand to the center of the pain, remembering that a cut in his cheek and lip were still present. "I tried to bandage them, but you were thrashing around half of the time." Yoongi looked up to Jimin, who was moving around the side of the couch to grab the four materials left of the floor, plus an additional water bottle. "Sit up," he commanded, and Yoongi narrowed his eyes before doing as told. Jimin's hands reached for the washcloth, grabbing the fabric before pouring traces of alcohol onto it. Releasing a quiet sigh in preparation for what was about to come, Yoongi turned his lacerated cheek towards Jimin, who grabbed the man's jaw with one hand to pull him lower, using his other hand to press the washcloth into the pale flesh of his cheek…

    • 1151 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    Dress Code Essay

    • 1345 Words
    • 6 Pages

    The notion that someone’s personal attire can disrupt someone else’s concentration in a learning environment is foolish to even consider. One dresses to fit ones personality, to boost ones confidence, and to make oneself feel original, not to be the top of their class. Material things such as clothes, piercing, and unnatural hair will only continue to cause a distraction when a teacher calls someone out for it being out of dress code. The distraction is not the dress code policy, it is the…

    • 1345 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    Essay On Piercings

    • 1419 Words
    • 6 Pages

    this was the first time my parents have ever grounded anyone. This reaction that society has on piercings is strange but is slowly being accepted. Looking back on the history of piercings and what they mean to other cultures makes me appreciate piercings even more. Throughout history and culture piercings have had many different meanings. For some piercings show wealth, higher status, religious purposes, and is believed to help medically. My nose piercing is an example of this. Nose piercings…

    • 1419 Words
    • 6 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    Hero’s Journey CALL TO ACTION Blip. Blip. Buzz. Text messages one after another came on Asian Name’s iPhone screen. They read, “Where are you? We’re waiting! Don’t forget the vodka! You promised to bring it.” Instead of hurrying out the door, she slowly walked toward her dresser and stared at herself in mirror. Her narrow, oblong face with prominent cheekbones and that small cleft chin were so abhorrent. Her slit-like eyes were mere dabs of royal blue that sat below her excessively thick, dark,…

    • 1119 Words
    • 5 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    I lift my hips in encouragement and feel his every stroke land in the deepest part of my belly. He shifts forward, because he knows my body also, and swirls his hips, eliciting a long, low moan from me. He releases my hands to capture my breasts, pausing the ramming of his hips against mine to suck on them hard, pinching the skin and biting the tender swells. When he showers my shoulders and neck with kisses and love bites, I grasp and pull him into me. "Ugh, Jim, make me…" She please, and…

    • 766 Words
    • 4 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    When brainstorming for my valediction I had many ideas such as a overly cheesy thank you, a super salty rant or even to just fill it with star wars quotes. But inspiration came to me before prom when I went to Dylan's candy bar and got a ginormous Jawbreaker. Over the last few days, I have been mindlessly licking and sucking on this Jawbreaker. Sometimes when you throw yourself at something over and over again things might go wrong. For example after battling this jawbreaker the last few days my…

    • 419 Words
    • 2 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Personal Narrative-Home

    • 885 Words
    • 4 Pages

    As Mr. Wonderful held my head on his lap with one hand, he used the other hand to graze my body within reach over my clothes. I continued to talk until I wondered if I was talking too much. “You are so quiet. Am I talking too much?” I said, looking up at his face. He continued to move his fingertips over my clothes emphasizing my chest and pelvic region as he looked down at me saying “I am just listening and getting to know more about you.” He looked into my eyes with warmth and satisfaction as…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    You moan. He moans. I want more you say. Then I'll give it to you he says back. He slips down dragging his tounge along you stomach and just above your... "ahh fuck" you say wake up. You try to slap the image out of your brain. The images of you pulling his hair or him kissing you passionately. "No no no no no no no" you get ready for the day to come and boy would it be a hell of a good one. You POV '' fuck fuck fuck" I'm late again. I can't even being to think of what I'm wearing so I…

    • 863 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Demarie: A Short Story

    • 918 Words
    • 4 Pages

    There’s something addictive about him. The way that his voice made me feel warm inside. The way that his smile lit up my life like a Christmas tree. The way he would smile at the ground when he would get shy. When I would hug him, the way his scent overwhelmed my senses. Being in his arms felt like home to me. He was my home. It’s freezing outside, my body is as cold as ice. Mya and I are skipping and we’re going to Demarie’s house to smoke. As we approached Demarie, I go silent. I’m a really…

    • 918 Words
    • 4 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    Personal Narrative-Home

    • 345 Words
    • 2 Pages

    We were laying back in the back of the truck. Her hair was still wet and her skin smelled like salt. We were tangled together, covered in blankets and pillows. “The take-out is cold now.” She said, her voice barely audible. I groaned. The CD was still playing in the background. “If this is my last night with you” She started to sing along. “Hold me like I’m more than just a friend” She would litter the words of the song with random melodies and beautifully vibrattoed notes. Her voice was wild…

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