“Kingdom of God”, “the day of the LORD”, “the end of the world”, “the last judgment” and “a new heaven and a new earth.” These words are the image of eschatology, and eschatology is an important subject in the Bible. Even Donald K. McKim says that the theme of the Bible is the kingdom of God (McKim, 167). In the Gospel, Jesus taught about the kingdom of God in his whole life and ministry, and the kingdom of God is represented as “already, but not yet” (McKim, 170). John Calvin, a 16th century representative theologian, agrees with the eschatological idea of “not yet” rather than “already.” On the other hand, Joan M. Martin, a womanist Christian liberation ethicist, more emphasizes on the “already” side. According to the understanding of eschatology,…
It is important to understand the context of a passage. I heard it said that "Any passage taken out of context is a pretext for disaster". Without a proper understanding of not only the biblical context but also of the cultural context, we leave our self 's open to misunderstanding and error. The context for Matthew chapter 24 is obviously the entire book leading up to, including, and going through to the end of the Gospel itself. And as vital as it is to read and understand chapter 24 in that…
Fear of the unknown is one of the most basic traits shared by all humans. One unknown, that induces fear into most people, is what will happen at the end of time. Of course, science can answer this question in terms of the universe as a whole – the universe will continually expand, become colder, and human life will no longer be able to survive in the resulting desolate universe. However, most people do not fear this end as they will not live to see it. Instead, they fear what will happen to…
FIGURES OF SPEECH IN THE BIBLE (Adapted from McCune) “Generally an expression is figurative when it is out of character with the subject discussed, or is contrary to fact, experience, or observation” (Roy Zuck, Basic Bible Interpretation, p. 145). Matt 19:25 Camel through the eye of a needle (it’s impossible – not explained by a gate in the wall) 1. Recognizing figures of speech • Look for the normal or plain sense first. • Note contradictions, impossibilities, or absurdities in the…
Eschatology is the study of what is commonly referred to as the “end times.” This era in history was foretold by the book of Revelation in the New Testament. This field of study can have both good and bad come from it. An example of a good thing from it would be to recognize signs of Christ’s second coming and to let those signs strengthen one’s faith. A bad result that could be pulled from studying Eschatology would be a person attempting to pick a date for when Jesus comes back to retrieve all…
Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time is scored for piano, clarinet, violin, and cello. It was premiered in a WWII POW camp where Messiaen was held. Messiaen had begun sketches of the piece before being captured, and he finished the piece in the POW camp for musicians that were present. The quartet was premiered in the camp for the prisoners. The piece is in eight movements, and Messiaen wrote an introduction describing the movements. His signature birdsong is featured prominently, as well as…
a short period of time, which presents the audience with an element of surprise. Additionally, the Interlude is the shortest movement in the entire composition, which is 73 measures long and lasts for about two minutes (considering the entire Quartet for the End of Time is about 50 minutes long). Therefore, a rapid change in volume keeps the audiences on their toes and “forces” them to listen to the work more carefully. Also, Messiaen is able to add an extra sense of excitement by implementing…
Everything felt like it was going in slow motion once I walked into the doors of the hospital. Doctors were running from one end to the other without skipping a beat while families were crying over losses and tragedies. Everything felt so overwhelming, but I knew what I had came to do. My heart began to race as I approached the reception desk. "Can I help you?" the woman asked. I could hear the words she was saying but I couldn 't find anything to say back. She looked at me again and asked…
To Our Meramec Kindergarten Parents, On behalf of our entire school community, welcome to Meramec! If you are a current Meramec family, welcome back to Kindergarten! Our kindergarten teachers Bobbie Williams, Megan Hutson, Patti Casseau and I, look forward to your kindergartner joining us in August. We are pleased to have you as partners in this educational year. As the year progresses, and as you become either more informed or more puzzled, please do not hesitate to call our school and talk…
"Mason are you here for therapy?" requested Dr. Stiner, as he casually moved towards Mason, who was in the shadow of building half way into the night. The moon was high in the sky, creating small shadows in which Mason hid. Mason only nodded in response. "Follow me towards the movie theater," uttered Dr. Stiner. He proceeded to jaunt towards the theater with Mason close behind. The way Mason paced himself only made it seem like he was having a struggle keeping up with the doctor. The walk lasted…