Introduction The book of Revelation, referred to by many other names, the Apocalypse of John, Revelation to John, or simply Revelation is final book of the New Testament. Moreover, Revelation crosses three literary genres including epistolary, apocalyptic, and prophetic. Due in part to the variety of Revelation, it should come as no surprise that there are a multitude of different views on the interpretation of Revelation. This paper will focus primarily on four of the main viewpoints, Preterist, Historicist, Futurist, and Idealist/Spiritualist. It is using hermeneutics, that each individual view tries to interpret Revelation. While the preterist and historicist views may seem similar in some ways, primarily both view Revelation as historical…
This is assumed because in John 19:26-27 we are told of Jesus calling for his mother to be in John’s care after His death. Revelation For my book of choice in the New Testament, I chose Revelation. This particular book has always held my interest, even before I was a saved and dedicated Christian. The Book of Revelation has three different literary genres throughout its chapters; the epistolary (documents and/or letters), the apocalyptic, and the prophetic (messages written to convey to…
When thinking about the mysterious Book of Revelation, the last installment in the New Testament, the first images that might come to mind are those of horsemen, the Antichrist, and a final judgment day. Some do not understand the Book of Revelation, and others have attempted to use Revelation to predict the end of the world. Elaine Pagels, professor of Religion at Princeton University and author of Revelations: Visions, Prophecy, & Politics in the Book of Revelation, attempts to demystify the…
John writes the book of Revelation to testify “to everything he saw” of the testimony given to him by Jesus Christ. He recorded his vision from Christ “for the benefit of…Christians throughout history”. He wrote to the seven churches in the provinces of Asia to urge his readers to “be ready at all times for the Last Judgment and the establishment of God’s kingdom.” While Revelation is not, as some assume, a secret code to unlock the future, it is a great resource to Christians so that they…
the day nor the hour in which the Lord Jesus Christ will return to the earth in the days of judgment, sounds like something you would hear in the trailer of an apocalyptic thriller. Well in fact the book of Revelation which is the last book in the Bible speaks of an apocalyptic prophecy; the book is written by the Apostle John who is imprisoned on the island of Patmos. John, an elderly man, receives a vision of this revelation from an angel and was instructed to write what he had seen. The book…
The book of Revelation has described by some as hard to understand. However, with careful study it is found that the Bible answers many of the symbols one can find confusing in this book. In chapter one, the Apostle John describes a vision in which he saw seven candlesticks with someone walking among them. What do these candlesticks represent, who is the one walking among them, and what is the significance? In Revelation 1:11, John is instructed to write in a book and send it to seven…
story # 10 OK As we look at the history of the seven churches in Asia, most often called the seven churches in the Book of the Revelations. These churches played an important role in the spreading of the message of Christ, in early Christianity. We are only looking at them from a historical viewpoint, not as a prophetic view. When John wrote them he was giving a futuristic message to the church, which is important , however we will only cover the history…
To me, the book of Revelation seems strange and difficult to understand because it is the only apocalyptic piece of literature I have read in the past. I always have doubt in my mind how the first audience understand this weird book. However, after I have read some of the apocalyptic literatures, I am coming to see the book with a new light and more acceptable to the experiences in it. I note there are visions in several of the apocalyptic literature that are in the book of Revelation such as …
During the past couple of weeks, I have been periodically reading the Book of Revelation in my dorm room. The only people involved in the reading was me. I read the book mostly at night before I was getting ready to go to sleep. The Book of Revelation did not scare me like it does some people. It was an effective way for me to unwind from the troubles of my day. I have been going through a rough patch lately and by reading the Book of Revelation it helped me to realize some things. Reading…
In the Book of Revelation, the theme of God enforcing destruction of the world and the unbelievers is prominent throughout the chapters, and the colored horsemen help advance that theme. Destruction of the world is apparent because war affects the nations that are involved in the war, which may lead to bloodshed. Additionally, chapter six starts with the horsemen representing the consequences for unbelievers during the Tribulation period. This period is meant to discipline the unbelievers for…