“Kingdom of God”, “the day of the LORD”, “the end of the world”, “the last judgment” and “a new heaven and a new earth.” These words are the image of eschatology, and eschatology is an important subject in the Bible. Even Donald K. McKim says that the theme of the Bible is the kingdom of God (McKim, 167). In the Gospel, Jesus taught about the kingdom of God in his whole life and ministry, and the kingdom of God is represented as “already, but not yet” (McKim, 170). John Calvin, a 16th century representative theologian, agrees with the eschatological idea of “not yet” rather than “already.” On the other hand, Joan M. Martin, a womanist Christian liberation ethicist, more emphasizes on the “already” side. According to the understanding of eschatology,…
Eschatology is “a branch of theology concerned with the final events in the history of the world or of humankind.” The Christian teaching of Eschatology sometimes pulls in a belief in the Rapture in which some believe the world will be destroyed, a literal reading of The Bible says, “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more” (Rev 21:1). This seems to in a literal sense state the world will be destroyed. In this…
With all the various forms and flavors of false doctrine that exist in our current world, it is important to maintain familiarity with these different erroneous teachings. One teaching that has plagued the Lord’s church as of late is that of “Realized Eschatology”. This radical approach to interpreting Biblical prophecy has caused a number of Christians to stray from the faith. Members of the church should educate themselves in error like this so as to resist falling prey to it and be able…
Restoration Eschatology: The belief and hope that “in that day” (Hebrew: eschaton), YHWH will end the suffering of the people of Israel and restore their land and fortune. There are several different visions of how this restoration will come about: the return of David (Ezekiel 37:24), or one of his descendants (Jeremiah 33:14-15), a military hero, or even a messiah (could be Cyrus, as in Isaiah 45:1, or Jesus of the New Testament). Messiah/Christ: Messiah comes from the Hebrew word mashiah…
Message of Eschatology Discussion It was not until I was forty-five years old that I began to realize that the most important decision I would make in my life is where am I going to spend eternity? There are people today that fail to realize that the same holds true for them. People are so focused on the now that they do not think much about later, after death. For some, their belief is when they die, that’s it, and there is no life after death. As ambassadors for Christ, it is our…
Introduction Eschatology is a term that Christians use in reference to the study of last things. There are a lot of theories regarding the things to come throughout the history of the Church from the Early Church Fathers, through the Rise of Amillennialism, the Reformation Views, the Puritans, Jonathan Edwards, and the Modern Millennial Views. This paper is not a historical study, and not a defense of a particular eschatological view. However, this paper explores the history of eschatology…
Introduction Eschatology is a term that Christians use in reference to the study of last things. There are a lot of theories regarding the things to come throughout the history of the Church from the Early Church Fathers, through the Rise of Amillennialism, the Reformation Views, the Puritans, Jonathan Edwards, and the Modern Millennial Views. This paper is not a historical study, and not a defense of a particular eschatological view. However, this paper explores the history of eschatology…
Comparative Eschatology of Christianity and World Mythologies When dealing with the idea of eschatology, many common views come from break-offs of the Abrahamic religions, with the most commonly known revolving around Jesus’ second-coming, the Rapture, and the Armageddon, the fight between the Antichrist and Jesus. While this view seems to be the most developed view of the end of the world, many religions prior to modern times also had some stories or ideas that explained how the end of the…
In Emily Bronte’s No Coward Soul Is Mine and Faith and Despondency, both poems discuss the inevitability of death but the eschatological hope that is found when one puts her trust in God. The speakers of both poems each have a different fear about their own mortality, and each poem uses different poetic devices to discuss how to overcome them. While No Coward Soul Is Mine and Faith and Despondency contain different structures and rhyme schemes, both poems suggest how faith in God mitigates one’s…
In Giorgio Agamben’s The Time That Remains: A Commentary on the Letter to the Romans, he evaluates Paul’s letter by taking a close reading of the opening of Romans and then claims that within these treasured words ultimately lies Paul’s messianic philosophy. Each chapter, interestingly, lays out the context and content that each word of the opening means and what Paul was hoping to convey to the Romans. Agamben also presents Benjamin’s Theory on the Philosophy of History side-by-side Paul’s…