Exploring comparisons and contrasts between secular futurology and Christian eschatology and secular futurology raises questions about every organization’s mission and its reason for being. Braaten (1979) says “The future in secular futurology is reached by a process of the world’s becoming. The future in Christian eschatology arrives by the coming of God’s kingdom.” For years, there have been profound dynamisms in this crossroads between the Christian eschatology and secular futurology. Secular futurology represents an interdisciplinary field, which studies only yesterday's and today's changes, to accumulate and analyze both nonprofessional and professional strategies with respect to tomorrow’s future. Analysis includes sources, patterns,…
With all the various forms and flavors of false doctrine that exist in our current world, it is important to maintain familiarity with these different erroneous teachings. One teaching that has plagued the Lord’s church as of late is that of “Realized Eschatology”. This radical approach to interpreting Biblical prophecy has caused a number of Christians to stray from the faith. Members of the church should educate themselves in error like this so as to resist falling prey to it and be able…
Christ will reign for 1000 years, bodily staying on Earth. The righteous will be resurrected. Christ will reign with tlem. There will be a short-lived rebellion ofSatan at the end of the millennium. Besides, it will be quickly suppressed, the wicked dead will be brought to justice, aryl after this cones eternity. In the eschatology of historE:al premillennialism, the apparent coming of Jesus Christ and tie admiration of the Church is preceded by great tribulation, aryl in tie dispensati»nal…
“Kingdom of God”, “the day of the LORD”, “the end of the world”, “the last judgment” and “a new heaven and a new earth.” These words are the image of eschatology, and eschatology is an important subject in the Bible. Even Donald K. McKim says that the theme of the Bible is the kingdom of God (McKim, 167). In the Gospel, Jesus taught about the kingdom of God in his whole life and ministry, and the kingdom of God is represented as “already, but not yet” (McKim, 170). John Calvin, a 16th century…
For as long as there has even been a theological understanding of the existence of God, heaven and the story of humankind’s beginnings, there has been a conversation about hell. The presence of hell hearkens back to the Old Testament and the concept grows throughout the Bible until the great unveiling of its physical manifestation in the book of Revelation. It is this final understanding of what hell will be that sticks in the minds of many Christians and theologians. In fact, what has been…
(yes, they do drink coffee) and snacks. I also had some time to brush up on Jehovah’s Witnesses’ beliefs. The husband, now retired, had served as the overseer at the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in New York for decades as a proofreader of their Watchtower material. We were in for a fierce debate. As the late Dr. Walter Martin once said, “Jehovah’s Witnesses will turn most Christians into a theological pretzel.” These were no ordinary J.W.’s. They were some of the brightest scholars in that…
According to Webster’s Dictionary, reveal is defined as “to make known through divine inspiration”(“reveal”). As ever human develop aging we tend to face difficulties and good times in life as, we learn to see what is good and bad. Throughout events that occur in life or even in society we are revealed to all things that we learn from. As we grow we reveal many life lessons that we live through and can affect anyone in several ways. In the novel, “Spill Simmer Falter Wither” by Sara Baume we…
John writes the book of Revelation to testify “to everything he saw” of the testimony given to him by Jesus Christ. He recorded his vision from Christ “for the benefit of…Christians throughout history”. He wrote to the seven churches in the provinces of Asia to urge his readers to “be ready at all times for the Last Judgment and the establishment of God’s kingdom.” While Revelation is not, as some assume, a secret code to unlock the future, it is a great resource to Christians so that they…
speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. 26But the court will sit for judgment, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. 27Then the sovereignty, the dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be…
In that view, the church replaces — or as they would say — “fulfills” — Israel. There is no further national program for Israel nor is there a future earthly kingdom lasting for 1000 years with Christ ruling from Jerusalem. This millennial (which means 1000 years) view is called Amillennialism (meaning: no literal millennium). I reject that view in favor of what’s called Premillennialism which basically says that Christ will return before the millennium to set up His 1000-year kingdom on earth.…