led to many places combining age-old healing traditions with the new. A great example of this is Chinese traditional medicine and its belief that illnesses are caused by supernatural forces affecting the qi, to combat those forces treatment involves spiritual healing and the use of herbs. To some this may be considered a primitive practice but, it is widely used internationally in the modern world. The…
healthcare. Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, involves the “use herbal medicines and various mind and body practices, such as acupuncture and tai chi, to treat…
Acupuncture is a healing technique used in traditional Chinese medicine. Very thin needles are used to stimulate specific points in the body. These points remain in energy paths called "meridians." Acupuncture treatments are designed to improve the flow and balance of energy along these meridians. Traditional Chinese medicine has existed for at least 2,500 years. Consider the human body as a system of energy flows. When these flows are balanced, the body is healthy. Practitioners take the pulse…
4. Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) [26] The identification and quantification of components of traditional TCM by chromatographic analysis (HPLC) is one of the major challenge. As TCM is a complex matrices in which all the constituents plays specific role for the overall efficacy. So the analysis of all the constituents synchronously is necessary to quality control the TCM. So the new technique UPLC is used for the quality control of the TCM. 5. Multi-residue analysis of…
Traditional Chinese medicine and modern Western medicine use distinctive approaches in healing and have distant modes of doctor-patient interaction. Despite their contrasting healing practices and cultures, they share a number of similarities and differences with regard to aspects of doctor-patient relationship or professional authority of doctors. To start with, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine show both similarities and differences in the degree of formality of doctor-patient…
3. Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Human Dimension Leung holds a PhD in Health Sociology and currently works as a clinician in Queensland Government in Australia. She grew up in Macau and Hong Kong where TCM was an integral part of people’s daily life. Therefore, her research is from a perspective of social science, emphasising the human expression and connection via TCM, in order to present the best core values of Chinese culture (p. viii). Her primary sources are the interviews with 48…
Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has been used since the beginning of China’s recorded history, and has not changed all that much. It has evolved with the times and includes some of today’s understandings of the body but it still holds true to its basic principles. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, TCM comes from Taoism and has an estimated 1 million patients in the United States. Typically, people think of a witch doctor with dog bones and ivory powder…
Nixon’s visit to China in 1971, acupuncture has become one of the most well-known and widely used practitioner-based forms of alternative medicine in the United States. Though most commonly thought of as the insertion of needles into energy pathways in the body, acupuncture also includes electroacupuncture, laser acupuncture, acupressure, Shiatsu, auriculotherapy, and moxibustion (heat therapy), among others. (Ulett, Han, & Han, 1998) Acupuncture is thought to have originated in China…
Introduction Cupping therapy was introduced in a mass scale recently during the 2016 Olympic games in Rio, Brazil. Michael Phelps and other Olympic athletes were seen with large circular spots on their bodies. Which then introduced the viewer to cupping therapy. Many of the Olympic commentators gave their opinions on if the therapy worked or not while others sought expert opinions from leading health care practioners. The consensus was to stick with modern western medicine. However, the viewers…
Paired with other reasoning’s, I decided to go to Acupuncture at Avenue Acupuncture with Danielle Dupell, for treatment. Apart from an acupuncture session I had while studying massage, this was my first true experience. When I went to Danielle, I was very curious about the entire process, and I found myself asking many questions during my treatments. This further kindled my previous fascination with holistic medicine, and I was completely amazed by the results I experienced. Danielle was very…