back and her red sole Louis Vuittons I got for her for X-mas. Me and rose were supposed to go to Carlisle's doctor of the year award ceremony. But when I saw rose in her little black dress my heart stopped, if my heart was beating in the first place. Rose walked over to me as she kissed me on the lips and grabbed me by the arm as we were about to walk out the door. I grabbed rose by the arm and pushed her up against the wall. She said my name in a soft voice and I looked down at her. I slipped my hand up her dress and into her panties. As she was focused on my gold, brown eyes of mine. I slowly slipped her red ruffled thong of her, as I picked her up and carried her to the living room. I sat her down on the fine smoky cotton gray couch. I threw my shark silver dress jacket across the room, as I got on top of rose. She bent upward and begin to undo my shirt, I wrapped my arm around her. As she was occupied undoing my shirt. I was unzipping her classy little…
health. There is mold growing on the side of the building, dirt, likely bugs that carry diseases, and the building is older so there is potential for lead poisoning. These are all environmental factors that can have detrimental affects on this mother’s child. The purpose of the visit was to discuss how the baby is doing. At the last doctor’s appointment, it was discovered that the baby has oral thrush and a diaper rash. The mother thought there was something bigger going on with the baby, but…
Shortly after, another nurse entered the room and began to record my vital signs: blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate, and respiration rate. She told me numbers that I did not understand and then left the room with the promise that the doctor would be in shortly. The paper covering the bed crinkled as I resumed fidgeting. The doctor entered the room a short time later and saved my father from my incessant movements. The doctor, a rotund man with a round abdomen and an even rounder face,…
Their bills are as follows: utilities $280 a month, water/trash/sewer $80 a month, groceries $800 monthly, insurance $225 monthly, phone $185 monthly, and prescription medication $100 monthly. They divide the remainder of their monthly income between recreational activites and savings. Vicky does not expect any financial complications in adoption Madison. She plans on keeping the medical card for Madison after the adoption is finalized. Vicky does not have any substance abuse issues. She…
across as insulting, the comedic values are still present and can be enjoyed by many. As many melodramas, the main focus of this play exists within the act of the play, act IV. The first french scene begins when the act starts and ends as Charlie walks into the room. This scene is labeled as “Doctor’s Hideout.” This scene involves the characters Carita and Doctor as they give background information to audience through dialogue. The objectives of each character is subtle in this french scene. In…
As a new grade nine at Brentwood, bright eyed and bushy tailed, I viewed my seniors in the highest of regard, for they could do no wrong. For all that I knew, they didn’t party, do drugs or get into any means of trouble. I remember the shock of finding out that my snowball date, an exceptional rugby player, polite young man, and not to mention a handsome one at that, was an avid cocaine user. How could someone like that, who went to a school such as Brentwood, do that? It was then that my veil…
Yet, the older I got, the less this seemed to be true and the more I realized I had adversities affecting my life. When I was was twelve, my parents separated and my father moved into an apartment out of the house. Soon after this, my brother started on a questionable path and struggled with many issues that affected his young adulthood. Personally, after that, I stopped caring and putting good effort into school. Prior to being a straight A student to a student with Cs and Ds. By the time…
I was born November 28th, 1999 at Boulder Community Hospital. Which starts my first plane of development. I started walking when I was 6 months. I would pull myself up on the couch and walk to my Great Grandmother (Granny). My mom stayed home, in Texas, my dad was in Colorado. We lived there so mom could take care of her dad who had brain cancer. Mom said she could always understand my babble (exp. Shupitup = Shut the door) but that I started saying word like “mom” and “dad” when I was 10…
These benchmark assessments assess both language arts and math learning outcomes in preparation for the end of year assessment that is used to assess student proficiency and growth in math, language arts, and science. The data shows that the trends for students vary from grade to grade. For example, seventh grade benchmark data shows that scores were similar from benchmark to benchmark throughout the entire year of 2015-2016 for all assessed subject areas. Data shows that the scores for…
Like most people in India I lived with my mother and father, while my brother was in another country finishing his higher studies, who used to visit us often during his vacations. It was the perfect little family, until the day when I had to make a decision which changed my life and made me who I am today. It all started on July 21st, 2010, when I came to United States for the first time with my family for me and my brother’s studies. Me, my brother, Mom and Dad used to live at one of our…