Summative assessment tells both the teacher and the student what areas are clear to the student, and which will require more work. (Summative Assessment - University of Alberta) It is all about creating a summative performance assessment for the unit at the end of the lesson. The goal by the end of the unit is to have a performance assessment and corresponding rubric used to assess levels of mastery related to quality, proficiency, performance, and understanding. (April) Performance assessments have the advantage of being able to provide clear evidence of students ' achievements. Also, they are useful for a broad range of classroom activities, including essays, science projects, public speaking, and multimedia projects. Performance assessment…
Albert Einstein, once said “Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts” (Casbergue, 2010, p. 13). When it comes to assessing students in their education knowledge administration, teachers, and educators all have their own way to assess learning. There is not one right way to assess students just like there is no one size to fit all in education. When it comes to assessing student’s educators all have their own way to assess. However, there is no one…
Reading assessment is utilized to plan and drive instruction. Within the planning of reading assessment, educators should provide instructional lessons that supports and accommodate diverse learning strengths and needs of all students. DeLuca and Chi Yan (2014) explores how instructors are relied upon to viably utilize various and suitable sorts of evaluation information to distinguish every student 's adapting needs and to create separated learning encounters and set up all learners for the…
My opinion of assessment has changed because having to learn and research about different types of assessment open my eyes to a different opinion. Reading the lecture for the week, reading Mueller’s website, learning about authentic assessment versus traditional assessment, learning about standardized test in general and in our state, and reading about different opinions of people involved in the process has contributed for my reflection. To be clear in what I want to express about assessment, I…
A broad statement that is hard to argue against. Assessments come in many forms and when used in combination provide a credible observation of student achievement. The subtext of Walker’s (2012), statement of assessment in a WLA PBL program is, the focus of assessment should be on teacher improvement not student mastery. Emmitt, Zbaracki, Komesaroff, and Pollock (2010), do agree that if teachers can improve their own performance in the classroom, then students’ results will follow. PBL is an…
F. Informative Assessment: The teacher will assess the students by observing and listening as the students remodeling the strategy to the class. What are you going to do when you get to your seat? What will we do when we have a question and don’t know the answer to it Middle G. The students work will be separated by different group color. For instance, the blue will be assigned a challenge chapter for the advance learners, the yellow group will be assigned a chapter that does not…
Depending what book or artifact some individual reads concerning the differences and relationships among educational assessments and evaluations, may be entirely dissimilar. Summarizing these two distinct yet similar processes has been an exposé for me. When approaching this project, I did find numerous articles and books that have been written and appeared very parallel regarding learning assessments and evaluation. After widespread exploration, I did find several books and articles that…
Before I took this class, I had a very bad idea of what assessment was, and in my head I kept going back to teachers that, in my opinion, didn’t have a good grasp of what assessment should be used for. In the first weeks this class, I really started to understand why assessment is so important. Assessment is important because the teacher can understand what students know and don’t know. Without assessment, it would be hard for a teacher to help students improve in their classroom because there…
techniques throughout instruction. You can also gauge the motivation and dedication level of each student and player too using various methods of the authentic process. There are many different methods to successfully assess your students or players such as; performance assessments, portfolio or journal usage, self-evaluations, oral interviews, retelling stories, writing samples, demonstrations, game film review, practice drills, and overall teacher or coach observations. Performance based…
semester learning about the different types of assessment, their primary uses, and the methods by which they can be carried out. Additionally, we have focused on the pros and cons of different methodologies, and extinguished any misconceptions in the surrounding realm. Co-creating quizzes allowed each member of the class a hands-on experience working with assessments in the way of creating questions that will provide a means to measure and judge outcome achievement. Snowman and McCown (2013)…