books. According to C. Edward Watson, director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Georgia said “the imperfect free textbook is better than the imperfect expensive textbook,". This will also help with the Buy Back situation. When students return a textbook they only get about 50% value back if that even. With open source there would be nothing to return since it’s free, saving the university and students money. While what the university does about the ongoing textbook problem is out of the student’s hands, there are still some ways we can get cheaper textbooks. Online is a good place to start. Google the name of your book, and try to compare prices. Amazon, and eBay are good. You can also try textbook websites like Chegg or Boundless. According to CNN Boundless “offers customizable, intro-level textbooks in more than 20 subjects…… the company also offers a "premium package" to students for $19.99 that includes flashcards, slides for building presentations, homework and classroom management tools..”. There are many textbook websites online do some research and pick the one that works the best for you. In order for the Universty bookstore to get cheaper books, we need descion makers to listen to the students. Students should educate and inform decision makers around campus about t the problem with overpriced textbooks, and should send a letter lobbying a state representative. Voice is a powerful weapon for students and we need to use it if we want…
The textbook, Social Studies: Making of a Nation, provided time to complete an in-depth analysis of the textbook’s contents. This paper will analyze the textbook, specifically looking at topics covered and authentic activities that go beyond reading chapters and memorizing facts, the integration of other subject areas into the social studies lesson and content reading strategies and comprehension opportunities, and finally, both formal and authentic assessments used. The companies that publish…
Life is Good with no Textbooks I hope that my speech will keep you on the edge of your seats. Hopefully, that will be because you are interested, not because you are trying to get up the nerve to leave. Having now attended Forest Heights for some time, I see that it is the perfect school for me, especially considering that I am ready to fully embrace the world of secondary education. Upon commencing my first year as a student here, I found myself delighted at the immensity of the differences…
Digital Textbooks In an ever changing world, it has become necessary for people of all ages to familiarize themselves with technology. It can feel, at times, as though there is no escaping technology, and life cannot function without it. Yet with the ready access to this technology, schools continue to utilize outdated printed textbooks to teach students.I believe that in order for a student to be successful in their jobs and careers they need to be familiarized with using technology to learn…
How would you feel if once you graduated college and got a position in your career field only to find out that everything you have been taught is 4 to 5 years behind every piece of technology you will be required to use? I pose this question, because some of my text books, mainly the text books on technological systems and programs were published 4 to 5 years ago, the world of technology moves so fast that by the time a book on technology is published it is already out of date. Is it at all…
While race and specifically the underrepresentation of Black women in mainstream magazines have been thoroughly examined, previous scholars examining representations of race in media have largely ignored hair type of Black women. Investigating the representation of this aspect of Black women’s culture in different media is important because hair type preferences and hierarchies in the Black community have existed since the abolishment of slavery (Byrd & Tharps, 2001). The good hair refers to…
The cost of books is making numerous college students to find other means of paying for required materials. Students are already stressed about paying their tuition and then cost of books should not be another reason why they need another loan added to their debt. Textbooks have increased significantly over the years until now is getting harder for students to purchase books. The prices of textbooks should be affordable for all students no matter their financial situation. Students cannot…
Handheld technological devices causes a great variety of health problems. The emission of blue light from the ipad and kids holding them up close to their face may cause vision problems. In 1970, it was clear that about twenty-five percent of twelve to fifty-four year old Americans were nearsighted. However, this number jumped to forty-two percent by the early 2000 's (Radcliffe,Shawn, Is Technology Causing a Lifetime of Pain for Millennials, Healthline). In the research presented by the…
Today, young people show a great interest in electronic books. With the increasing price of textbooks for school, students could use e-books as an alternative to receiving all the information they need. Most students, however, would prefer to rely on the hardback copy, but why use that when e-books are offered at a much lower price? Studies have argued about the difference in learning that e-books instill in students rather than paper books. Some fear that it may hinder their learning, but…
planting a tree for every new student who purchases from them. Chegg’s strategy however, is uncertain. With an unknown setup on how they get rid of books once they are outdated, it’s hard to say what happens o old books once they are outdated or worn out(some sources say they sell books, but there isn’t much info on what happens to the old books). With the emerging tablets in the technology world, we will start seeing a lot more e books out there than ever before, possibly making their current…