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    ENG 103 First Draft Instructor Michael Dusek The Millennials: A Response Essay Much has been written about millennials in recent times by different people with different views. But of all the comments about the millennials, those of experts Joel Stein, Jean Twenge and Chelsea Clinton stand out. While Jean Twenge labeled millennials as lazy, selfish, self-absorbed, selfish, entitled, narcissistic, fame-obsessed, and mobile maniacs, Joel Stein tagged them as tolerant, confident, open minded and ambitious but also can be disengaged, narcissistic and anxious. (33-34) On the other hand, Chelsea Clinton appears to have a more positive view of the millennial (Clinton). From my position as a millennial, while agreeing with these views, I would rather see the millennials as go-getters, respectful, productive, confident, and focused. In this response essay, I have attempted to examine some of the key issues raised about the…

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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Presenting Situation and Offender Behaviors: Bradley (Bradley) was walking his dog in the park when he encountered another person walking their dog without a leash. Bradley verbally informed them their dog is required to be on a leash. At this point the person ignored him. There were some words were exchanged between Bradley and the other man prior to Bradley walking away, as Bradley was leaving the park he turned around asking the other person if this was their car. The other person replied…

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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    trained in Moody’s headquarters in New York. Wow! The first day I realized things were different and people made me feel the distance, the cold world is real! I was not competent there… I went there to get trained, but I was treated as a competitor… and there was no mercy. I lost my confidence. By the end of the first week, my dream of working in NYC became a nightmare and I just wanted to come back. Nothing made sense and I was starting to realize this was not my career. One day I joined a…

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    Superior Essays
  • Great Essays

    (premier league), and consumer (football fans), is mandated for fixing an already stagnated relationship. One can pinpoint a timeline that directly coincides with the mood our esteemed experts (Messrs Brown et al) note when discussing community in football. The direct result of a stagnated relationship appeared during the early years of the new millennium. The first division of the football league was almost nearing a decade since it rebranded itself as the more familiar premier league.…

    • 1676 Words
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    Great Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Hillary Clinton Problems

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    semi-automatic weapons, and have stronger background checks on gun buyers. Hillary Clinton has experience of holding a gun. In April 2008, Hillary Clinton said, “My dad taught me how to shoot when I was a little girl” (Time). Through her experience of shooting a gun at a young age, she knows how lethal it is. America needs a president with experience, recognizes the danger of guns, and how many deaths rate can be lower from banning guns. Aside from America’s unsolved problems, Hillary Clinton…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Thalidomide was first sold in 1957,as a tranquilizer, in Western Germany (“Thalidomide”). From the very beginning, Thalidomide was popular with the public. Doctors claimed that Thalidomide was” completely safe””even during pregnancy” ,and said that they “could not find a dose high enough to kill a rat” (“Helix Magazine”). Thalidomide was also labeled as a sleeping pill, and as they were quite popular in the sixties it sold at an alarming rate as they made people peaceable and drowsy. The…

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    Improved Essays
  • Great Essays

    Identification and Evaluation of Sources In source one, this document from a Medicine Journal about the drug, Thalidomide which was developed by a German pharmaceutical company called Grünenthal in Stolberg. This company wanted to create a drug. They started clinical trials for treating respiratory infections in 1956. Researchers at Grünenthal then discovered that thalidomide could help with morning sickness found in pregnant women The drug was then advertised to help with morning sickness in…

    • 1956 Words
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    Great Essays
  • Improved Essays

    In the mid 1900s, sleepless worriers full of post-war anxiety needed an easy way to fall asleep. In rushed the drug market, who could could easily target this anxiety-ridden population, where one out of seven American adults took sleeping pills every night (Fintel, 2009). Thalidomide seemed like an easy, unassuming miracle pill. It was so safe, in fact, that the company targeted pregnant women, saying that there were no effects on the child or the mother. This worldwide drug was sold to numerous…

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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    Reflection On Agnes Naera

    • 1886 Words
    • 8 Pages

    Reflection one: guest speaker: Agnes Naera During a lecture in class Agnes Naera came in and spoke about her role with AUT and how she sculpts diversity and equality throughout AUT. Agnes Naera Is the director of equity within the faculty of Business and Law at AUT. In her “role she focuses on advancing Maori and Pasifika aspirations”. (Our Women , n.d.). This reflection will reflect on what I understood form Agnes’s Presentation and how I have interpreted the information. Agnes started her…

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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    1960s Thalidomide Scare

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    inadequate (Vianna et el. 2011). Additional societal stigma regarding the demonized drug hinders its availability to be researched and used in beneficial therapies for diseases including leprosy (Naafs 2006). In 1956, the German pharmaceutical company, Chemi Grunenthal, had ostensibly struck gold (Rehman et el. 2011). They had marketed the latest “blockbuster drug,” sold to pregnant women suffering from morning sickness to ease their symptoms (Rehman et el. 2011). Having achieved popularity in…

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