In the texts ‘Perfume-the story of a murderer’ by Patrick Süskind and ‘the turning’ by Tim Winton, a diverse range of literary techniques are used to present similar ideas. Though the storylines differ both follow a single main character who is used to denote to the enormity and mysterious grandeur of life. So it is appropriate that the complex themes of human suffering, time and change and the transience of existence are used in both texts to encapsulate life. Winton presents these ideas in ‘The turning’ through vague language, contrasting and chapters. Conversely, Süskind uses descriptive language, foreshadowing and chapters to present similar ideas. In the texts ‘Perfume’ and ‘The turning’, Winton and Süskind present human suffering through the use of diverse literary techniques. Human suffering in ‘Perfume’ is presented through death and the anguish of an outcast. Süskind retells death and neglect through descriptive language. In contrast human suffering in ‘The turning’ is presented through family issues. Vague language is used to retell issues that arise in families like mental illness, substance abuse and suicide. These dissimilar techniques allow the idea of human suffering to be understood in two very contradictory ways. Süskind’s use of descriptive language helps readers to better imagine the girl who ‘had been killed by a heavy blow to the back of the head’, by appealing to their senses. This technique allows readers emotional connection to be more profound.…
In part one, chapter six of The Stranger, Camus utilizes a multitude of literary devices in hopes of describing and explaining Meursault’s killing of the Arab. Although Camus employs the use of a plethora of literary techniques, some of the most conspicuous include those of foreshadowing, imagery, and intricate diction. In the final chapter of part one, Camus makes use of various literary devices to present the notion that Meursault’s needless murder of the Arab lacks a rational explanation,…
Growing up, I never knew much about politics. However, more recently, I have researched on who I want to vote for in the upcoming presidential election, as well as having a US government class. To discover my political ideology, I took three surveys: The Pew’s Research Center’s Political Ideology Quiz, the Nolan Chart, and I Side With. I have determined that I am a strong liberal and will join the Democratic Party. I believe that we need gun control, the death penalty should not be allowed, more…
The Dangers of Guns Do you ever think about how quickly your life can be taken by a simple shot from a handgun? Do you know many innocent lives are taken daily by guns? Death by a gun is a huge ordeal in America. Thus far in 2015, according to the Gun Violence Archive, 10,843 deaths have occurred all over the Unites States due to gun violence. The number of children killed, ages 0-11, due to a handgun has reached 583 deaths. Today, many people have access to guns. Some who own a gun use it…
War on Guns There is not a year that goes by without an innocent life taken by gun violence within the United States. Each year we constantly argue the idea of whether we should ban guns or reinforce tighter restrictions on guns, especially with the NRA (National Riffle Association). Often as usual we never ensure a decision and the topic slips up again when another instance occurs. Many has brought up ideas such as securing our schools with the same weapons that we are fighting to ban. Arming…
As the audience studies the photo deeper, we see that the father is teaching the-what seems to be-two-year-old daughter how to hold a gun that she can barely wrap her tiny hands around. Society has a tendency to judge someone by their own actions, as well as their influences on others around them. Upon instinct, the audience is drawn to anger towards the father for putting a gun in the toddler’s hands, as well as towards the mother for not doing anything to prevent or stop the father from…
1981 the Army began by inviting several pistol makers to submit their 9-mm pistol to compete for a contract. Every pistol was to satisfy a list of definite requirements and had little leeway in others. With these requirements not being clear to the pistol manufactures every submission in 1981 was immediately rejected. The Army realized their requirement were not only too strict for a custom military made firearm but in disqualifying the commercially available guns they weren’t prepared to host a…
Would Concealed Carry Deter Violence on Campus? How many people do you see every day that carry a gun on them? I am betting that you don’t see anyone besides police officers. If people get into a car crash and the driver was drunk, do we blame the car? No we blame the driver so what’s the different with guns. Gun are not the problem that we are having, it’s the people that give guns a reputation. People carry guns not to cause or even seek to find trouble, but just that slim chance that your…
Are Americans Obsessed With Gus? Americans are obsessed with gun because almost everyone in America wants to have the privileges to own a gun. Families want guns to protect their family against invaders, gangster wants guns to commit more crimes and policies want more guns to kill more people. The obsession Americans have towards guns said it all in The Second Amendment, because The Second Amendment says everyone has the right to bear Arms and have the right to protect their selves.…
Guns on Campus The issue being debated claims that gun possession with students and staff on a school campus could either harm or protect innocent people. The debate suggests that either guns should not be allowed on campus at all or there should be limitations on where they would be allowed. There have been some who believe there are instances in different colleges that have had situations that it would have been critical for them to have had a hand gun on them at the time. Amanda Collins…