which will be later discussed. In order to show what should have happened, the absolute value was taken of the answers using the numbers that were read from the spectrophotometer. For example, in the PTU test tube the amount after ten minutes subtracted from the amount after twenty minutes gave the answer of -0.023, but instead, and instructed by our teacher, we took the absolute value and said it was 0.023. The formula used to display this is: Total = Absorbency at 20 minutes - Absorbency at 10 minutes An easier way to view this is in Figure 1.1 where it shows what should have been closer to the correct answers. EDTA did seem to have inhibited the reaction some, but the chelating agent, PTU, had the smallest reaction rate making copper the correct cofactor. The trend in the data is that the two chelating agents used to bind copper both had smaller reaction rates than the EDTA, used to bind Magnesium and Calcium. The color change was seen the most in the test tube containing EDTA. It went from colorless to a dark orange color. The other test tubes had only a slight color change. The higher the concentration of benzoquinone the more the color will change from colorless to…
The Problem of Moral Agency in Hamlet In order to be a moral agent, a person has to have a good sense of self, they have to know exactly who they are and how they must act according to the decisions they make. In Hamlet, the moral task at hand is revenge for the murder of Hamlet the elder. The murdered King's son, also of the same name, must be the one to avenge the murder. Before Prince Hamlet finds out the true story behind his father's death, he has his mother's…
As Agent Smith tells Neo, "You have been living two life’s" (The Matrix). As Thomas, he's working for a software company and lives inside the matrix. As Neo, he is a computer hacker who wakes up in the real world. Neo is referred to as “the One”. “In Christian theology, Jesus Christ is the Messiah (Son of God, Son of Man, "Light of The World") who saves mankind from its sins" (John 8:12). In the Bible, Jesus dies on the cross, but later is resurrected and ascends to heaven. Christ translates…
distinguish performs between the agents and their counterparts, the first point an analyst might need to impose is to be able to create evaluations or metrics which are relevant to job, measures which reflect back to the performance of the associate performance and related to what constitutes a successful execution of the job tasks. The calling center relies on three metrics which to measure performance with, first is average handle time (AHT), in which here this metric measure the amount of…
government there is more people who end up enslaved in their own minds and in return get stuck in the never ending loop that is the world of the matrix. Besides being stuck in the Matrix by relaying to much in the government and having our thoughts limited we are also living in the Matrix because we are living in someone’s version of a perfect world. In the film after Morpheus is captured agent and is getting tortured by agent smith Morpheus is told that he and his rag tag group of heroes are…
On January 26, 2015 the University of Louisville (UofL) held a town hall meeting to announce plans to adopt a shared services model at the Health Services Campus (HSC) in order to improve business operations. Planned change is a focused, deliberate and joint effort to bring about improvements with the help of a change agent (Roussel, 2006). It is generally said that the implementation of an HR shared services model can “transform the role of HR by enabling the HR function to be more…
following day, Neo receives a package and inside there was a phone. As he places it up to his ear, a deep voice answers. Morpheus tells him that the agents are after him. That phone, little did he know, would be only the start to a very hectic journey. Morpheus takes Neo to see the Oracle. The Oracle is the one who will tell Neo what he needs to hear. “She told you exactly what you needed to hear, that’s all. Neo sooner or later you’re going to realize, just as I did, there’s a difference…
identified through previous failures. All in all, there are many things right with the Army CI and there are many things wrong. My intention is to identify one of the problems facing the profession and provide some solutions to the identified problem. The Value of an Army Counterintelligence Corps The current setup for the distribution of Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Counterintelligence (CI) Special Agents is different from most Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) in the Army.…
“You made very sharp-witted decisions on today’s surveillance case, Agent Smith. Without you on the job I don't know if we would have been successful,” announced Agent Nelson. “Thank you, you did a wonderful job managing the team,” Agent Smith responded. Aiden Smith, known as Agent Smith, is a surveillance specialist for the FBI. He works at the FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C., and his job is extremely important to him. Everyday he observes suspicious areas through hidden security…
When trying to determine whether someone is an agent, child or not, there are many ways to come to a conclusion. A method that I am a fan of is to define ‘agent’ and then see if the subject will fit the definition. Agent as defined by our text book, is ‘A person who acts freely and knowingly’. Free will is defined by our textbook as “the power of acting without the constraint; the ability to act at one's own will, a gift from God’. In order for this to be true, you must have the ability to make…